by Conscious Reminder Mercury will start its annual backspin on May 10th, starting off several weeks filled with drama regarding technology, scheduling, information, and more. This also includes our lives in …
by Conscious Reminder “There are some places in life where you can only go alone. Embrace the beauty of your solo journey.” ― Mandy Hale Men are having it difficult these …
by Conscious Reminder For eons, spiritual and indigenous tribes have some experiences which are called soul loss. But, with time, the phenomenon slowly begins saturating several society members, mostly because …
by Conscious Reminder Each zodiac is a unique combination of virtues, qualities, and peculiarities. Every one of them is special. However, every one of them also has a side that …
Emotions Change, Don’t Base Your Relationship Only On Them If You Want It To Last
by Conscious Reminder It is very important to determine that your lover loves you for the person you are and not what they are feeling at a particular point of …
by Conscious Reminder If you are a calm, curious, and wise person, you often get called an old soul. However, if you never fully understand what makes a person an old …
5 Most Common Myths About Psychic People That You Really Need To Stop Believing
by Conscious Reminder Before I even start, please forget about all the Hollywood crap that we have been served for years about Psychic People. Bad movies have distorted the real picture …
By Conscious Reminder May brings forward an eclipse and the Mercury retrograde but it also offers romantic blessings. Venus, who is the goddess of love and money, enters Aries and …
No One We Meet Is There By Accident – 5 Types Of Cosmic Connections
By Conscious Reminder Do you believe in coincidences? In my humble opinion, everything we go through has its purpose; everything happens for a reason, every person we meet, every event …
Solutions Vs. Soulutions: Greatest Growth Comes From Pain
by Conscious Reminder We, obviously, know what solutions are, but have you heard about soulutions before? We, humans, are obsessed with finding solutions. We think that we are incapable of …