by Conscious Reminder The pain of Twin Flames is so complicated and deep-rooted, that people going through it too, can’t explain. Contrary to popular belief, a Twin Flame relationship isn’t …
by Conscious Reminder At times, life asks us to step up and pave our path forwards. At such times, usually, only we can save ourselves. At such times, we must …
by Conscious Reminder Get ready for some serious clean-up because the upcoming full moon on March 18th is going to have you thoroughly look over every recent event. It will …
by Conscious Reminder Are you ready for the winter’s last full moon? The Full Moon in Virgo is going to rise on March 18th, and it will light up all …
by Conscious Reminder Our body may be powerfully affected by energy healing. Unfortunately, not all the effects are positive. A qualified energy healer can solve issues ranging from chronic illness …
by Conscious Reminder Do people say you are too sensitive? Don’t worry if the answer is ‘yes’. That’s not something negative – empaths are one of the most passionate and …
by Conscious Reminder A new season is here and the first signs might be warmer nights and longer days. However, the 2022 March full moon, aka the “worm” moon, is …
Some Psychologists Think That ADHD & ADD Sufferers Might Actually Be “Indigo Children”
A rising number of American psychologists have suggested that children who are diagnosed as suffering from ADHD or ADD may actually be “Indigo Children” who possess special psychic powers. Intriguing, …
by Conscious Reminder A deep desire for being perfect is keeping you from launching the project and displaying your real self to the world. What is perfectionism and how does …
by Conscious Reminder The 12th of March this year will see Neptune and the Sun aligning at 22 degrees in the constellation of Pisces. Neptune, as we all know, is …