by Conscious Reminder Have you been compromising on your own needs and desires to make others happy? Does their happiness always take precedence for you? STOP. Stop making sacrifices for people …
by Conscious Reminder The Aries Full Moon on October 13th comes out of the horizon, appearing way bigger than it really is. Be sure to not get entrapped in this illusion, …
by Conscious Reminder Originating in Chippewa Nation, dream catchers are essential if you plan on avoiding nightmares. You will have the best and most wonderful dreams if you have a …
by Conscious Reminder Human beings are energy, we can all agree to that. This energy governs us, makes us work. When the energy flows in its joyful and blissful motion, …
by Conscious Reminder It is one thing to have a brawl with someone who is bad. It is one thing to stop associating yourself with someone who is toxic. But it …
by Conscious Reminder It is never okay to use your zodiac sign as justification for your rude or careless behavior. Yet when it comes to relationships and love, it would …
October Energies Are Peaking And This Is How They Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
by Conscious Reminder This month is going to be extremely passionate and filled with drama, for most of the planets are moving into Scorpio. Also, Pluto is turning Direct after …
Your Instincts May Not Predict The Future But They Can Set You On The Right Path
by Conscious Reminder In recent times, there are many articles that tell you to listen to your gut. It is an ancient wisdom that has been passed on to us …
by Conscious Reminder We always look towards other humans when under duress, but God is always out there for us. So, why not look up to Him? After all, humans confuse …
P!nk Starts Kindness Challenge Asking People To Not Criticize Anyone Online For One Day
by Conscious Reminder Social media may have started out as a fantastic means of communication and keeping updates about the lives of others. However, it has quickly devolved into a …