by Conscious Reminder Social media may have started out as a fantastic means of communication and keeping updates about the lives of others. However, it has quickly devolved into a …
Why Do Many Souls Make The Choice To Put Themselves Through Extreme Struggle?
by Conscious Reminder Many of us live a more-or-less comfortable life. We have shelter, daily food and clothes to wear. In some countries, even if you are unemployed, you get a …
by Conscious Reminder There are times when many of us feel that we are not deserving of our achievements. We feel that what we have done is not good enough; …
Pluto Is Direct: It’s Time To Look Within And Connect With Your Inner Self
by Conscious Reminder After about 6 long months, dear Pluto has finally turned Direct on 2nd October. On 24th April 2019, we saw Pluto turning Retro but now Capricorn at …
by Conscious Reminder Life is a journey and it is a journey that is to be shared with our closest friends and family. We are always sharing our lives with …
Unlike In Movies, Awakening In Real Life Is Not Glamorous But It Is Enlightening
by Conscious Reminder If you are watching a film or reading a book, you will be mesmerized by how fast a character can transform. The awakening builds up fast, it …
by Conscious Reminder This period is interesting because, on one hand, you have Venus which believes in gentle love, while Scorpio brings out the intensity with which you love. So, …
by Conscious Reminder Our instinct tells us to protect our heads whenever we sense the slightest of danger. If the physical manifestation is so important to our consciousness, the spiritual …
by Conscious Reminder In the world of today, being alone is seen as a badge of honor. There are thousands of articles being written about being alone and how it …
Venus In Scorpio Is A Passionate Combination That Will Boost Your Love Life
by Conscious Reminder Venus will be transiting the passionate Scorpio between October 8th and November 1st, 2019. Its presence in Scorpio can elicit a lot of responses from you. It …