by Conscious Reminder The Pluto Retrograde will begin on 24th April and last till 3rd October. Saturn will also go retrograde from the 29th of April to the 18th of September. …
Why You Shouldn’t Give Up So Easily If They Really Are Your True Twin Flame
by Conscious Reminder An ordinary 3D response, when it comes to our twin continuing forward with somebody else, is going to be giving up and moving on ourselves. It is more …
by Conscious Reminder Panic attacks and anxiety are normal and quite common body reactions when we are in stressful situations. However, a lot of people struggle when they have to get …
by Josh Carlyle Contributing author, Conscious Reminder Development and advancement are not only about training your physical and professional skills to become stronger and more successful. It is firstly about …
by Conscious Reminder Although hugging seems simple, it can actually prevent our relationship from becoming a mess and falling apart. Hugging will increase relaxation, while it will lower blood pressure, in …
by Conscious Reminder We shouldn’t underestimate the powers that the change of the four seasons brings, in order to awaken our spirit. Since ancient times, people considered spring as the female …
Pluto Is Going Retrograde April 24th: Holding Tightly Onto People And Things Won’t Work Anymore
by Conscious Reminder The Pluto retrograde in April would occur on the 24th, at 25° Capricorn and would end on October 3rd at 20° Capricorn. This Pluto retrograde would primarily be …
Mercury Is Transiting Aries: This Is How It Will Affect The Zodiac Signs
by Conscious Reminder The planet Mercury finally entered in Aries on the 17th of April. With this sign, we are going to cut cords and ties. There is nothing that holds …
by Conscious Reminder There are people who are curious, but there are also those who are quite skeptical when it comes to intuition. However, more of them believe that intuition is …
Are You Feeling Disconnected? Here Is An Exercise For Quick Grounding Wherever You Are
by Conscious Reminder A bi-directional relationship is the one between our body and our mind. Bi-directional actually means that it goes in both ways. This can be utilized for various …