by Conscious Reminder You will definitely not like to be with someone that is known to be a psychopath. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are manipulated by such …
Countless words have poured out of the fingertips of poets, but nothing quite compares to the intricate beauty of Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann. When I was growing up, I had a fascination …
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness covered the abyss and the spirit of God hovered over the …
Sounds Odd, But The Struggles Your Twin Flame Is Going Through, Are Actually Helping You
by Conscious Reminder Every one who found their twin counterpart has eventually gone through the stage of judging and blaming our twin flame for doing something inappropriate. Sometimes, what we can …
January 2019’s Planetary Retrograde Calendar Is Proof That The Year Will Be Off To A Good Start
If you were worried that 2019 would include as many retrogrades as 2018 did, fret not: The first month of 2019 won’t include any new retrogrades to wreak havoc in …
by Conscious Reminder According to one research from recently, hugging trees may be helpful for a lot of health problems, which include depression, ADHD, and some other different mental disorders. Do …
7 Major Differences Between Those Who Truly Are Awakened, And Those Who Just Pretend To Be
by Conscious Reminder In the world, there are some people that are completely awakened, and it is quite apparent; however, the number of such people is very small. Whatever the reason …
by Conscious Reminder Be careful and take care of your energetic space. People who have started walking the spiritual path are quite sensitive and vulnerable. Here are 10 tips for keeping …
by Conscious Reminder Andromedans are considered quite intelligent individuals, as it is any other human that is actually not 3D. Most of them have spiritual nature, but the appearances they have …
by Conscious Reminder Sometimes, you probably thought that you might actually originate from fairies. According to some traditions, the possibility that the ones we consider to be humans are fairy …