by Conscious Reminder One’s aura speaks volumes about one’s personality. Auras have colors, and these colors, especially the dominant one, give an idea of the main energy elements they possess and …
by Tanaaz|Forever Conscious Venus turns retrograde only every 18-19 months, so when it happens we feel it. In fact, Venus retrograde is one of the most significant astrological transits that can happen. Through …
by Conscious Reminder The final sign of the zodiac, Pisces is the ruler of the Halls of your Unconscious. Knowing this will help us understand the dreaminess inherent in Pisces …
Russian Subway Will Give You A Free Ticket If You Do 30 Squats In Under 2 Mins
by Conscious Reminder Getting some exercise everyday is harder than one might think. With the economy being the way it is, there is always a lot to do and that …
In our culture, there are two main types of people. Those who follow trends and are products of social conditioning and social engineering, and those who think and act freely …
Today Is The Most Spiritually Intense New Moon Of The Year: Stay Open To New Possibilities
by Conscious Reminder Today, October 8th, 2018, the New Moon rises in Libra. This New Moon foretells of wealth, success and respect that will come your way. So, there is …
Libra New Moon Rising Today: Time For Some Fresh New Energy As The Old Patterns Fall Apart
by Conscious Reminder The New Moon of Libra has always been a good time for relationships and mending ways with people but this time things do not look as good. …
A lucid dream is defined as any dream in which one is aware that they are dreaming. This is a vivid experience, and the dreamer may even be able to …
Solar minimum maybe doesn’t sound like big news to most people in the world, but it created quite a ripple effect in the science circles . More than ever, we are …
by Conscious Reminder Have you ever felt an inner feeling of pride or disgust before starting a task? Perhaps before taking on a new challenge, you feel that it is a …