By Nixie Vale| Magical Recipes Online Through our Times as a magical magazine we’ve put much effort on shedding light on Eclipse Magic. This is one of the most Magical Times of …
The month of July will bring in new and interesting possibilities in our life, due to the motions of the extra terrestrial bodies around earth, that would affect our lives, …
A message from Emmanuel Dagher We are currently moving through a highly active energy cycle. During highly active energy cycles, there’s often a great deal of electricity in the air, which …
July Is An Energy-Packed Moth Bringing A Powerful Shift In Consciousness: Time To Leave The Comfort Zone
by Conscious Reminder This month is astrology a number of celestial forces will be active and running. The overview will be described in chronological order of the events. The first …
by Faith M. Davis Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Did you buy a new crystal and you were super excited to put it to work, but it doesn’t seem to be …
By Paul Buchheit While Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning and John Kiriakou are vilified for revealing vital information about spying and bombing and torture, a man who conspired with Goldman Sachs to make billions of …
In one way or another, everyone lies. Most people are incredibly bad liars and others have excellent poker faces, but there’s always a way to tell. When it comes to …
Mercury Retrograde Season, July 26th – August 19th: Get Ready For A Bumpy Ride
by Conscious Reminder So, what is a retrograde? A retrograde is when a planet seems to be moving backwards or away from the Earth. Now, you have to keep in …
Cancer New Moon & Solar Eclipse, July 12th, 2018: Claim Your Own Powers
by Conscious Reminder Several articles have mentioned the importance of July in 2018, as this month would bring forward quite a few new happenings that are beyond the terrestrial, and …
Jupiter’s 4-Month Retrograde Is Ending Next Week, On July 10: The Energies Are Finally Picking Up
by Conscious Reminder The first of the six planets going retrograde this summer is about to leave the company next week, on July 10th, and it’s the giant Jupiter, that …