by Conscious Reminder
“Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.”
– Kevyn Aucoin
We live in a culture of denial, especially about the grim reality of climate change.
Sure, we want to savor the occasional shrimp cocktail without having to brood about
ruined mangroves, but we can’t solve a problem we can’t face. When we talk of the
world undergoing epoch making revolutions, we scarcely fail to realize that these
revolutions be happening as we speak. Sometimes this revolution seems like a lost
cause, and I have thought so many times, will people ever wake up? It seemed as
though time was moving by quickly, yet most people were very stagnant, but
something I have noticed a lot lately is that all of the sudden people from all over the
world are truly starting to wake up! And there are for this phenomenon quite a few
Global Warming: Our planet is dying. And no amount of scientific data can actually
represent the actual meaning of that statement. Global warming has led to rising sea
levels, more pollutants, higher temperatures and a general decrease in the standard of
living. History is proof of the fact that as caretakers, we have done a disastrous job.
So what can you do to save the planet? Do you control the world? No, you
control your world, so be conscientious and always try to give back to the earth as
much as you take. Humans as species, can also be divided into these three classes.
There are those who exist on the planet who always make the choice to give back to
the earth and then there are those who take and take and do not give back.Whichever
you decide to be is your own free will. Be a virus or be a caretaker the choice is up to
The contact of the “other” kind: While it has been generally accepted now that
aliens do exist, the universe has most suddenly become a not so empty place. Hushed
over like an open secret amid rumors and speculations the fact that we are not alone in
this universe is largely accepted. It is a brave new world as Aldous Huxley noted.
So why are we waking up right now ?
We are living is such amazing times, we get to watch as the whole world transitions
back to a healthy, connected relationship with our Mother Earth, as well as each other.
Let’s keep this snowball going, and continue working together, because together we
will continue to create this change that we have been waiting for. If there is ever a
time where you feel like giving up, just remember that there are many, many more
people who are finally opening their eyes!
Don’t give up, because this global shift is happening, right now, right before your eyes! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
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