Home Consciousness How To Restore Your Faith?

How To Restore Your Faith?

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

For just a moment, you should imagine something which you really want in life.

Maybe you want to have more money, have a healthy body or lose weight. While you are thinking of what you really want, you actually feel quite good; however, reality will come on your mind, making you remember that you still don’t have what you want. Then, you will start questioning yourself if you are ever going to have it.

Any little doubt can kill your dreams. Regardless of how powerful your desire is, when there is doubt within you, that desire is never going to come to you. Our Universe is not able to deliver you what you really want. It may simply provide the things you vibrate. Remember that doubt kills vibration.

Your desire can be powerful, but when there are doubts within you, that desire is never going to manifest. When your desire is strong, and you have some doubts, it may manifest, or it may also take longer. Magic usually occurs when your desire is strong, and there is just a small amount of doubt within you. So, this is the time when you are going to see your wants and desires start manifesting.

How is doubt defined?

Doubt is actually the feeling of lack of conviction or uncertainty. Doubts often indicate a limited belief. For instance, there are people who wish to meet someone they ever dreamed of, and their desires are strong. But, why they don’t have the ideal person in life? Because they have doubts about having the right person, thinking that they actually are too fat, or old, or poor, and so on. Usually, they tend to believe that this only happens to other people, and it will never happen to them.

According to this, we can see that because of your limited beliefs there is a doubt created in you. In such cases, the only thing you have to do actually is to activate your faith.

Faith means completely trusting or having confidence in a person or also a thing. The most important thing is that your doubts may also be shifted so that you can activate your faith. Doubts indicate limited beliefs. They also serve the purpose to help people identify their limiting beliefs.

However, how is belief defined? Well, it is a well-practiced thought. For example, there is the same thought on your mind again and again. When questioning your beliefs and thoughts, you actually share your awareness of what is possible for you, particularly in the Universe in which every single thing is possible, meaning nothing is considered impossible.

You should call to some action.

What you have to do is make a decision in order to awaken the faith. This process is going to help you in accomplishing that:

Write your wishes – what would you like to experience in life? Then, for each of your desires ask yourself the question: “Do I have any doubt this will manifest?”

When there is a doubt, you should identify its meaning. You should ask yourself the following question: “Is this belief absolutely true?”

What thought or belief you have chosen to replace your doubt with? What belief or thought is going to help you in awakening your faith?

You should tell yourself this: “I choose to awaken faith because with Spirit all things are possible.”

In the end, create affirmations in order to surround your empowering beliefs which are going to help you cement the faith. The power is present in the now moment, always.

Image Artwork by Elina Dudina

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