Home Consciousness Things Will Get More Sensitive As Mercury Backspins Through Pisces Starting March 5th

Things Will Get More Sensitive As Mercury Backspins Through Pisces Starting March 5th

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The Mercury retrograde is taking place on March 5th and it is moving to the dreamy Pisces sign. This is the first retrograde of this year and it falls in the water sign.

The other mercury retrogrades will also fall in the water signs, which shows us the theme of this year. 2019 will be a bit of an emotional journey for all of us.

The planet Mercury is the ruler of communication. Water signs are sensitive and dreamy and they are often associated with artistic and creative expression. When Mercury goes on a retrograde in these water signs, it will charge the third eye and our psychic senses and help us in becoming one with our inner selves.

Our creative needs and emotions are going to go up a notch. If we want, we can also use this energy in a way that will become an advantage for all of us and help our intuition become stronger.

But like any other muscle, we need to use and listen to our intuition to make it more powerful. If we don’t trust our intuition, it will get atrophied, like our muscles. Since most of us have not trusted our intuitions for a long time, it will come across as weak.

But thankfully, this season is giving it enough strength so that it can whisper to you. Try to focus on the faint voice and you will find that it is growing louder each time. We just need to embrace our intuition, especially during this Mercury season.

The Mercury season is coming at a time when there is a lot of planetary motions taking place. Uranus is moving to Taurus and there is also the Pisces new moon that is going to happen.

These are strong energies that can drain you – it will leave you uncertain. We have to slow down and control our pace as we move forward in life.

Mercury controls our communication because it is the messenger of Gods. It also helps us understand things, especially when it is in its normal motion. But during retrograde, it moves into the realm of invisible Gods.

It goes down to our darker self and helps us collect more insights and truths about our life and the world around it. This is the reason why our intuition is so important.

We have to trust our feelings as the Universe will be communicating to us through our intuition. When Mercury goes direct yet again, then, we will be a new person, with new insights, and new ways to lead our life.

So this retrograde is going to bring a shift in our thought processes and our belief system. We will gain a whole new perspective on how we look at the world and the things around it. But it is a work in progress.

It is only when Mercury goes direct that we might be able to settle in this new way. So, that’s the reason we should not make any plans during this retrograde. After the retrograde, we might have to change it.

Slowing down during this retrograde is a necessity. You have to let time take over and slowly unravel everything before you. So, remain open and connect with your intuitive self. Let the signs of the cosmos envelope you.

The beginning of March is going to have a lot of volatility so you have to be prepared. It might be a bit uncertain for you. On March 28th, Mercury will be going direct again, but then, it will take some time to go back to its normal state. So, you have to wait it out.

Let your creativity flow during this retrograde. Play music or write – channelize your creativity into something. Creativity can also help you tap into your intuitive self, so be open and use your energy to bring new truth to you.

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