by Conscious Reminder
The New Moon on July 31st, 2019 is a Super Black Moon as well and its effect will be deep on most of us.
Yet these 6 zodiac signs will not drown in their emotions like the others. It will be a safer ride for them during this New Moon.
These zodiac signs will now get the time to themselves – to focus on the self and soul. Although these zodiac signs won’t have many disturbances in their public lives, their inner world will be an emotional ride. So here are the zodiac signs who will be feelin’ the New Moon internally:
The July New Moon won’t affect you much physically but emotions could run wild. Nostalgia, especially resurfacing memories of past friendships and family, will be heavy on you. But the reminiscing could make you reevaluate your present status.
You need to consider if the life you are building for your own self is making you happy and satisfied. This time, looking back at the memories will help you understand the present and future better.
Ownership and possessions will be on your mind as this New Moon falls in your income and values sector. You need to reassess how your possessions help you in your life, and the ones that don’t anymore must be let go.
Once you clear the clutter of unnecessary things, you will start attracting the energies of newer things. The new things that are waiting to enter your life will be taking up space and you would definitely want them to stay!
The Super Black New Moon won’t upheaval your life much so sit back and relax. Since you are always working so damn hard, this New Moon finally gives you some time to care for the self.
Forget your routine and work and focus on taking a break. Enjoy a spa day or even a mini-retreat and reconnect with your soul. This will give you further energy to dive back into work in full throttle.
While the New Moon might make all Sagittarians crave new horizons, for most that will begin inside, with the mind and spirit. Unlike the other signs who are feeling inspired by the New Moon physically, you will find inspiration internally.
Focus on yourself and try to feel inspired. You can even take the help of reading, meditation, and traveling.
Balance is very important in everything we do, especially in our relationships. This New Moon will make you take stock of your current partnerships, and make you reconsider how much you are giving and what you are receiving in return.
As Karma ups the ante in your relationships, you might find the partnership not to be beneficial anymore. If you don’t feel happy with the way of things, you should let them go. The New Moon could bring new beginnings for you, if you so feel.
The New Moon will make you realize the imbalance present in your work-life balance. You need to work smart, not hard. Try to shift things to your advantage instead of grinding mindlessly.
After the upcoming New Moon, you will have the time to focus on your health and holistic wellness. It could also lead you to a job which won’t exhaust you completely.
So make sure to draw up a goal list and focus on your intentions. The New Moon energy will make you stick to your plans and achieve them soon.
Enjoy the beautiful Black Super New Moon!
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