Home Consciousness Tonight’s New Moon In Pisces Is All About Self-Love And Forgiveness

Tonight’s New Moon In Pisces Is All About Self-Love And Forgiveness

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Have you been looking forward to starting something new? If yes, then this New Moon is your best chance!

Start that project, make that decision and set the right intention. Take the first baby step towards your goal this February New Moon and reap its benefits on the Full Moon after 6 months.

This New Moon will allow you to release past issues and start a new journey. As the Moon goes through its phases, so do our emotions. As the Moon waxes, we gain strength and make progress.

When it is Full, we feel a sense of completion. Then it starts waning and this encourages us to forgive and tests us spiritually. The New Moon is like a clean canvas for you to start a new painting. This constant cycle ensures that we never stop widening over horizons.

On 23rd February, the New Moon will occur in the sign of Pisces. This zodiac sign is known for its dreamy, artistic, introspective, and spiritual qualities. Hence, this New Moon can be of great help to you in getting aligned with the cosmos and find peace.

You will succeed in spirit; remember physical success isn’t the only success. Work on something that ignites a creative spark in you. This New Moon, focus on the things that take you a step closer to the spiritual truth.

At this time, Venus will be in Aries, thus placing it square to Jupiter. As this position happens, you’ll want to do the things you’re very enthusiastic about! You’ll feel the urge to make new friends, get a little flirty. and have fun. But keep in mind that excess of anything is harmful.

Also, currently, the Mercury is moving in Retrograde, so self-control becomes all the more important. You needn’t pressurize yourself to do something but you can use this time to gather the loose strings.

You might get unexpected answers in unexpected places. Your success may not look like it but you’ve to keep in mind that success is not always about going forward. Sometimes you succeed by looking back at your life.

This New Moon will give you your much-required motivation. You have to use it in a proper way to break the old shackles and move to something new. It will also push you towards your destiny as it is forming a trine with the North Node which is your life’s purpose.

So, nurture yourself using this New Moon energy and don’t hesitate to follow whatever your intuition guides you towards this time!

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