Home Consciousness Here’s How The Leo Full Moon Will Influence The Zodiac Signs This Week

Here’s How The Leo Full Moon Will Influence The Zodiac Signs This Week

by consciousreminder
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By Conscious Reminder

We are in the midst of an intense Aquarius season, but the Leo Full Moon rising on the 28th of January is going to bring some new vibes. The first Full Moon of the year will highlight the themes of passion and drama.

As you start exploring your passions now, your creativity will bring the spotlight on you. While nothing is too dramatic for Leo, be careful about the tense situation created by the squares with Mars and Uranus, and the opposition from Saturn and Jupiter.

Let’s see how the 12 zodiac signs will deal with the Leo Full Moon tonight.


Tensions stemming from passion can reach the peak under this Leo Full Moon. But that does not mean you should hold off making the first contact with your crush! The flirtatious energy that this Full Moon brings will help you plenty in love matters.


If problems at home seem too much, be the bigger person and extend a helping hand. If drama starts boiling, speak your truth and help others remain grounded. You will need the cooperation of your family members now.


The Leo Full Moon will help you express your creative and flashy side. As your social life turns busier, make sure you are keeping in touch with your friends. Start a fun project that also creates a positive impact on them.


This is a great time to make some bold decisions related to finances under this luminary for Cancerians. You could ask for the pending promotion, make a promising investment, or even just splurge on something you have been eyeing. You are worthy and deserve these things.


As the first Full Moon of the year rises under your sign, it will help you express yourself in a more creative and free manner. If drama is brewing in your life, make sure you use your powers for the lesser evils. Don’t hold yourself back!


For Virgos, the Leo Full Moon is a time to pause and relax. You are grinding away all the time, but this luminary is here to help you slow down. Once you feel recharged, you can jump back into the pool.


Your social circle will be quite amused by you. Your diplomatic gifts can now be used to diffuse drama or tensions at work or in your friend circles. This will also help you make new connections with people.


The Leo Full Moon is highlighting your professional life. It is time for you to show off your talents and let everyone know who puts in the real work behind the scenes. A lot of pending appreciation is coming your way!


As the Moon rises in a fellow fire sign, it is time for you to embrace your bold side. Put all your questions out in the open and be willing to take up new adventures. Challenge yourself, and you will find new highs in your life!


If you have been keeping too many secrets under the rug, this Full Moon is going to pull them all out. You will be inspired to face your truth. Let go of your fears and let the Moon be your guide on a new path as your transform yourself this year.


The Leo Full Moon is here to highlight your romantic life. No time to be shy when it comes to matters of the heart now. You might notice dramatic situations developing, but it will also bring the potential for commitment. Express yourself authentically to your partner and let them do the same.


The Leo Full Moon is going to highlight the things you need most in order to thrive daily. If changes are taking place, embrace them with an optimistic outlook. Make the most out of your most dreaded moments, and soon, things will seem much brighter. Don’t hold yourself back if you feel the nudge to splurge a bit. It’s all going to add to your well being.

The first Full Moon of the year, rising in fiery and passionate Leo, is bringing positive and exciting energies in our lives. Go with the flow of this luminary and accept the changes it brings.

You may not see it yet, but you are on a path of transformation. Let the Universe take care of the rest.

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