Home Consciousness Things To Do And Avoid Under The April Pink Full Moon

Things To Do And Avoid Under The April Pink Full Moon

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

If there was a slogan for this Libra Full Moon it would be – “something’s gotta give.”

It seems that wherever there has been tension, whatever has been pulled too tightly, is going to snap back, forcing us to make changes and find a new way to harmony.

Due to the rise and fall of this Full Moon’s energy, whatever tensions need to be released from our lives are likely to come to a head before the Full Moon peaks.

You need to charge your social batteries as the April Full Moon, also known as the Pink Moon is in rising in the social sign of Libra. The moon will peak on April 16 and will be all about connections as the moon’s light will shine on your relationships.

These are the things that you should do and the things that you should completely avoid under the Pink Moon in April.

The Dos:

1: Get Artsy

Libras are ruled by the planet Venus, which is the planet of love and beauty. The energy that comes from Venus will feed your inner artist and revel in different aesthetics. You need to set up a day with your friends to check out local installations or explore the museum.

2: Attain Balance

This Full Moon will provide a chance for you to reflect on the imbalances in your life. You need to take some time off and focus strictly on work. You also need to find the perfect balance between work and play, so find some time in your schedule to hang out with your friends. It is very important to socialize.

3: Appreciate Your Friends

Libras are ruled by the seventh house of partnerships, so this Full Moon is all about their inner circles. You need to plan an outing with your friends and show them your gratitude. You need to remind them that you appreciate their efforts.

4: Self-Care Rituals

Full Moons can get overwhelming as these are emotional times. We are stationed in an emotionally detached air sign, Libra. You need to take a candlelit bath as Libras are all about indulging in your own self.

The Don’ts:

1: Get Stuck In The Middle

Libras are represented by the scales of justice and their diplomatic attitudes will lead them to be the mediator of their respective groups. You need to find peace, importantly, while the lunation reaches its extreme heights. It might cause a strain in your relationship, so sit this one out.

2: Give Into Gossip

It might be exciting to participate in conversations where gossips are in abundance. This might be due to the moon stationed in Libra. It will be best for you if you can stay away from gossip especially when your emotions are running high. If you feel that the tea is spilling, change the topic of the conversation.

3: Forget The Romance

Libra is ruled by the romantic Venus which happens to be in dreamy Pisces, currently. This is the best opportunity for you to express your flirtatious attitude. Try not to play coy and plan the dates ahead. Try to make the first move as we’re in the bold Aries season.\

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