Home Consciousness Harmonious New Moon In Taurus, May 2023: Are You Ready To Manifest Everything You Ever Wanted?

Harmonious New Moon In Taurus, May 2023: Are You Ready To Manifest Everything You Ever Wanted?

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Gather ’round, everyone: The new moon for this month has arrived. And this isn’t just any new moon; it’s the first new moon in Taurus that isn’t an eclipse since 2021.

On May 19, we will finally have a harmonious new moon in the sign of the bull that is ready for manifestation, full of good vibes, and will eventually bring us peace.


This astrological occurrence is especially beneficial because the moon enjoys transiting through Taurus. It is known to have its exaltation in Taurus, implying that the moon is having the time of its life as it moves through the sign of the pleasure-seeking bull. We are more capable of tending to our needs, comforting ourselves, connecting with our emotions, as well as enjoying pleasure and feeling secure. In other words, the new moon’s energy will keep our emotions in check for the next few days.

If we had to call this luminary something, we’d call it the Warrior Goddess Moon (dreamy, right?). This moon’s energy is incredible, as it is one of the best new moons of 2023 for setting intentions. Jupiter, the Lunar North Node, Mercury, the asteroid Vesta, Uranus, the sun, and the moon will all be in Taurus at the exact time when this moon becomes new. Instead of bringing only a double dose of Venusian energy, its potency is greatly increased because it carries the combined power of seven celestial forces.

This Taurus new moon will have us thinking about our security and comfort, our commitments, how we seek and enjoy pleasure, as well as our finances and personal values. This is a lovely lunation for setting intentions and desires on those topics. In the sky, the new moon will form two harmonious connections. The first is with Neptune in Pisces, which creates a creative, romantic, whimsy, and supportive environment, and the second is with Mars in Cancer, which gives us the urgency to act and the courage to pursue what we truly desire.

When we take that action, we should prepare to turn a new page and start a new chapter in our lives. The most beneficial aspect of this new moon is its nurturing energy, which will help you realize how gifted, unique, and talented you are. If you ever felt the need to compete with others, now is the time to realize your full potential and demonstrate to the world that competition is unnecessary. Because of the push from this lunation, your light will shine through as long as you are your most authentic selves.

This new moon in particular is an excellent time to manifest and consider your own worth. You have so much to offer the world; how will you put your special talents and gifts to work to create something meaningful and valuable? This is a lovely invitation to ponder our own minds.

During this time, consider the following questions:

-What are my next steps going to be?

-What do I want it to feel like?

-How can I feed myself and my creative abilities?

-What does it mean to me to live lavishly, and how can I use my creative abilities to get where I want to go in life?

The only thing that can prevent us from harnessing the positive energy of the new moon is ourselves. With so many planets in Taurus right now, we may become too set in our ways and too entrenched in our beliefs. As we adjust to such changing collective times, it is critical that we open our minds to new terrain.

So, do yourself a favor and get out of your own way, and let the moon do her thing. If everything goes well, it should be smooth sailing from here on out.

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