Many of us casually throw around buzzwords like vibes, frequency, and energy in conversation. But have you ever wondered how to transform negative energy into a positive, harmonious vibration that attracts more of the same?
What is a vibration?
It’s energy. It’s how you feel intuitively when you’re in a particular place or with a specific person. It is also a thought, belief, or behavioral pattern’s energetic frequency.
Have you ever walked into a room and felt a bad vibe permeate your entire being? Have you ever spent time with someone who exuded joy, warmth, and positivity from their heart and soul? Maybe you can’t quite put your finger on what they’re doing to make you feel that way, but what matters is that you do feel that way in their presence.
These are examples of high and low vibrational energy, also known as good and bad vibes.
Every human being on the planet has a distinct vibration, which I refer to as their soul essence or soul frequency. And this has a significant impact on your life.
Why does your vibration matter?
We attract what we put out into the world, according to the Law of Attraction, which means that your vibration matters more than you think. The frequency of your thoughts, emotions, and actions has a direct impact on the frequency of what you receive from the Universe on a daily basis.
Furthermore, high vibration makes you feel happier, lighter, and brighter. Lower vibrations make you feel lower, heavier, and darker. Of course, being happy and positive all the time is impossible—that is toxic positivity. However, there is a fine line between allowing yourself to feel and move through negative emotions and dwelling in them for too long, allowing them to fester.
How to raise your vibration today
:: Home
Clean & organize
Clear away any clutter and physically clean your home to represent a new beginning. Donate anything you no longer require or desire. This will reduce your stress and make you feel lighter. As humans, we are constantly evolving, and so should your home.
Light & air
Allow light and fresh air to enter your space by opening your curtains, windows, and doors. This will instantly make you feel clearer and more positive, so try to do it on a daily basis.
Burn some herbs
One of my favorite ways to energetically cleanse your space (and yourself) is to burn some herbs or incense. Walk around your house with your lit herb bundle, making sure to reach all corners. This aids in the dissolution of any negative or stagnant energy.
Nothing beats lighting a candle, whether it’s day or night. Candles have a spiritual and peaceful quality to them. Depending on your needs, choose a calming scent like lavender or tea tree or an energizing scent like lemon or grapefruit. You could also choose an aromatherapy candle that uses essential oils for healing or put some of your favorite essential oils in a diffuser.
Plants & flowers
Bringing in fresh flowers and plants is a great way to clean the air, reduce stress, and make your home more beautiful. Splashes of green bring life and color to any space and can help you raise your vibration without even realizing it.
Because I adore fresh flowers, I treat myself to a bouquet of blooms on a regular basis. They fill my heart and raise the feminine frequency within me every time I walk past them.
Make sure your environment reflects who you are and the frequency you want to project. Select furniture, colors, and artwork that inspire and comfort you. Work within your budget to create a peaceful sanctuary in which you enjoy spending time.
:: Energize
Without even realizing it, we give a portion of our energy to thoughts, people, and places every day. And if you’re especially sensitive or empathic, you’ll do it even more than the average person. You may even give your energy away to someone with whom you have no physical contact, such as a girl 5000 miles away whom you saw on the news or a homeless man three blocks down. Each of these “attachments” depletes our energy reserves, pulls us away from our center, and has the potential to lower our vibration.
Take time each day to call your energy back to your center if you want to know how to raise your vibration. If you work with people frequently, you should do this several times a day, for example, between client sessions.
You can visualize your energy returning to you, use movement to physically “gather” your energy back, or even use scent to center yourself (a few drops of essential oil).
:: Reflect
When was the last time you checked in with yourself to see where you’re growing, what you want and need, and so on?
Feeling down or stuck may reflect a mismatch between who you are on the inside and who you are in your external world, such as your job, where you live, your house, your relationship, your friendships, your clothes, your hobbies, and so on.
Is there anything in your life that feels out of balance and could be causing you stress or negative emotions? Get honest with yourself, listen to your intuition, and make bold decisions.
:: Rituals
If you’re feeling down or lacking joy in your life, it could be a sign that you need to add more structure and routine to your life.
A ritual could be lighting a candle on your altar and saying a prayer, sitting for ten minutes and enjoying a cup of tea, reading a book, doing a tarot reading, setting an intention for the day, going for a walk after lunch, taking a bath before bed, and so on.
This type of ritual not only adds structure to your day, but it also helps you stay grounded and gives you something to look forward to, both of which can help you raise your vibration.
:: Gratitude
Can you find even one thing to be grateful for when your entire world is crumbling around you or you’re in a true dark night of the soul?
Perhaps it’s your good health, a caring friend, a sunny day, plenty of food, money in your bank account, or something else. When you start looking for the good, you’ll find plenty of it, which will raise your vibration to a high level.
:: Breathe
Because of all the research that now supports the many positive benefits of this practice that have been widely known since ancient times, meditation has grown in popularity and is beginning to cross over into mainstream health and medicine.
If you’re new to meditation, the term “meditation” may be intimidating, so just think of it as conscious breathing because that’s all it is. Deep, mindful breaths can help to relax your nervous system, improve your mood, and raise your energetic vibration.
:: Kindness
Many of us are extremely critical of ourselves. We are loving and kind to our friends and family, but for some reason, we struggle to be kind to ourselves. And our thoughts and words to ourselves have a direct impact on how we feel, which is why practicing self-love and compassion is so important.
So, the next time you catch yourself thinking negatively about yourself, make a conscious effort to replace it with something positive. Self-care should be practiced on a daily basis (many of the steps on this list count as self-care). Be kind to yourself and to others. This is how your vibration can be raised.
:: Sound
All you have to do is lie back and listen to the right sound to raise your vibration. Get a singing bowl and use it to cleanse the energy in your space while you meditate. While walking or working, listen to binaural beats. Put on some soothing nature sounds, such as soft rain or ocean waves, to help you sleep at night.
:: Nature
Many of us spend more time working than we do doing anything else. Sitting at a desk indoors under artificial lighting for long periods of time can quickly lower your vibration and harm all layers of your being (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual).
Get outside and immerse yourself in nature whenever you need to shake things up and raise your vibration. Take a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or a swim in the lake. Take in some fresh air, listen to the sounds of nature, and take a break from your laptop or phone screen.
:: Water
Water is extremely healing and therapeutic. It can help to cleanse you physically and energetically while also acting as a restorative. This is why you might perform a bath ritual on the new or full moon, or to mark the end of a chapter in your life. It’s also a great way to unwind after a long day.
You can perform a shower or bath ritual or go swimming (indoors or outdoors). Add salts, essential oils, herbs, flowers, fruits, and anything else to make it feel nourishing and uplifting if you’re at home. I enjoy lighting candles, listening to soothing music, and pretending to be in a Bali spa.
:: Move
Moving your body on a daily basis is an excellent way to raise your vibration and maintain physical health. If you’re in a funk or feeling a little lethargic, try some gentle stretching, a yoga flow, or going for a run to change your state and boost your mood.
Always pay attention to your body. If you’re looking for something more restorative, try yin yoga or gentle dancing at home. If you want something more energetic, go to the gym or do some kickboxing.
It’s also important to step outside of your comfort zone. I prefer passive forms of movement such as yoga, walking, and swimming. However, forcing myself to run or attend a pole dancing class helps to activate another part of me and boost my inner strength and confidence.
:: Disconnect
Spending time mindlessly scrolling through social media or reading the latest news headlines always leaves me feeling fearful, angry, or jealous. Having notifications constantly pop up on your phone is also a significant drain on your energy. It prevents you from focusing on what is truly important to you. It prevents you from fully engaging in life.
I always feel fearful, angry, or jealous after mindlessly scrolling through social media or reading the latest news headlines. Constantly receiving notifications on your phone is also a significant drain on your energy. It takes your attention away from what is truly important to you. It keeps you from fully participating in life.
:: Create
This is one of the less obvious ways to raise your vibration, but the act of creating can help release a lot of pent-up emotions and move stagnant energy. Because we live in a world that does not value creativity as highly as it does logic, many of us learn to suppress our creative energy, resulting in blockages in our energy centers.
When you’re in the middle of creating something, whether it’s baking a cake, painting, designing, singing, gardening, or something else, your brain is flooded with happy chemicals that improve your mood.
So list creative outlets you loved as a child and pick whatever you feel most drawn to.
:: Nourish
Our vibration is greatly influenced by what we put into our bodies.
Processed, meat, fried, refined sugar, and alcohol lower our vibration. High-vibration food, on the other hand (fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds) raises our vibration and makes us feel vibrant and alive. Pay attention to how you feel after eating; you’ll notice a significant difference between plant-based and processed foods. Hydration is also important because we are made up of more than 60% water, so drink plenty of water every day.
It is critical to emphasize the importance of balance. Sometimes your body craves a piece of chocolate, a slice of fresh Italian pizza, or a heaping helping of homemade mac and cheese. That will be the highest vibrational choice for you at that time. So this isn’t about going on a strict diet and not allowing yourself to enjoy food. It’s more about practicing mindfulness while eating and selecting the most nourishing option whenever you’re hungry.
Nourishment comes from everything, including people, ideas, art, TV, movies, books, music, podcasts, and so on. So be aware of what you’re eating. What effect does it have on you? Be picky about what you let in.
:: Connect
As an introvert who spends the majority of her time writing, I am a natural hermit and can spend a significant amount of time alone in my house without speaking to or seeing anyone else. I recognize that this is unhealthy because humans are hardwired for connection. So I have to constantly force myself to get out, keep in touch with friends, and plan get-togethers.
However, the quality of that connection is far more important than the quantity. Certain people lower your vibration while others raise it. This can change as we grow as individuals, which is why not all relationships are meant to last forever. Clinging to a friendship that is no longer serving you simply because you’ve been friends for a long time is neither healthy nor supportive.
The right people will motivate you, challenge you, cheer you on when you’re down, encourage you, and make you feel good about yourself. You will feel authentic around them, and your beliefs and values will be in sync. People like this are hard to come by, so be patient.
Be open to new connections and conversations.
How will you raise your vibration today?
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