Home Consciousness Today’s Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse Is All About Rediscovering Who You Truly Are

Today’s Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse Is All About Rediscovering Who You Truly Are

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs on October 14, and is the second Eclipse in the Aries-Libra cycle with which we will be working in the coming years.

Because this Eclipse cycle is still in its early stages, many seeds are still being planted. We may not be able to fully comprehend the journey that this Eclipse cycle will take us on, and it may be difficult to see the big picture. But there is a bigger picture forming, and if we can trust it, we will have a much easier time navigating whatever comes up for us as a result of this Eclipse.

Recognize that whatever comes up is not the entire story. As more of this Eclipse cycle unfolds, we will be able to see where we are being led with greater clarity.

The Aries-Libra Eclipse Cycle for the Collective Consciousness

The Aries-Libra Eclipse cycle is triggering our connections, intimacy, relationships, and how we choose to show up in them on a collective level. It also works on our feelings of inner strength and confidence, reminding us that we all have what it takes to live the best life we can.

All of these themes will reappear throughout the Eclipse cycle. Because Aries and Libra are both cardinal signs, we are likely to emerge from this journey with increased strength, leadership abilities, and possibly some newfound skills or talents!

The first Eclipse of the Aries-Libra cycle occurred in April 2023. Consider what themes were present in your life at the time. The same themes will not reoccur, but perhaps whatever you were experiencing at the time is ready to be upgraded, or you are experiencing the next chapter of whatever evolved.

Again, it may be difficult to put all the pieces together right now, but you may want to keep a journal to record the themes and experiences associated with each Eclipse. You’ll probably only be able to make sense of the journey you’re on when you look back on it all.

The Energy of a New Moon Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipses occur during a New Moon, so they can be thought of as supercharged New Moons. New Moons mark the beginning of the lunar cycle as well as the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.

A New Moon draws energy inward, and we are guided to connect with our deeper truth. What really matters to us? What do we want? What are our emotions like?

By connecting with our inner world, we can gain a deeper understanding of not only who we are, but also where we are going. We may start to have new ideas or get a sense of what we want to put out into the world.

New Moons are fantastic times to set intentions, but the energies are much stronger during a New Moon Solar Eclipse. We can set some very powerful intentions with these powerful energies. What we send out into the Universe will be amplified and powerful. However, because the Eclipse energies are so potent, there is more magic to be found in surrender.

This means that instead of controlling the story, we surrender to the Universe. We allow ourselves to flow, trusting that whatever comes our way will be exactly what we need at this time.

Eclipses can be thought of as gateways to higher states of consciousness. They assist us in making quantum leaps into more evolved states of being. They hasten our soul contract and get us moving faster towards our destiny.

As a result, eclipses tend to bring fated events, and they tend to place us wherever we need to be, regardless of our intentions. This is not to say that we cannot have our say; after all, we are co-creators of this Universe; however, during an Eclipse, it appears that we are steered in the direction that the Universe believes is best.

The October New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

We can look to the planetary activity occurring around this Eclipse for more guidance. Because it falls in the sign of Libra, we can expect some themes relating to balance to emerge. The scales represent Libra, which governs the flow of giving and receiving in our lives.

The balance can be reset if we have been giving too much or not giving enough. Similarly, if we have been receiving too much or too little, the balance can be reset. Whatever situations arise as a result of this Eclipse may bring us back to a middle or center point where we can feel more at ease in our surroundings.

Instead of getting caught up in the situation’s duality, perhaps we can find a way to collaborate. Indeed, when working with Libra energy, one of the most powerful lessons is to cultivate a sense of collaboration rather than compromise.

We don’t want to jeopardize who we are or what we stand for, so shifting out of this mindset and into a collaborative mindset will help us master some of this energy.

Libra also rules over our relationships, so this could be a theme that emerges during this Eclipse. A certain relationship in our lives may be triggered, and we may be forced to evaluate our interactions with this person.

We may feel as if too much of our power is being taken away, or we may discover that we need to be true to ourselves rather than being sucked into the energy of the other person.

The Cosmic Skies Under the Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse

Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, is also active during this Solar Eclipse, suggesting a power struggle. This power struggle may be with another person, but it could also be within ourselves.

We may struggle to let go of a relationship that we know has served its purpose, or we may find ourselves in a mental tug of war over how to handle a particular situation or person.

These energies may feel intense, especially when combined with the Eclipse energies, but Pluto forces us to look within to the deepest recesses of our minds. It encourages us to look deeper into all of those shadowy crevices that we often ignore.

When it comes to Pluto, we can’t avoid the work or make it go away with love and light. We must go deep, to make peace with the shadows in order to transmute them to light.

This is deep work, and the energies of the Eclipse reflect it all. It’s intense, and that’s because it is! But there is another force at work with the heavy Plutonian energies, and it is Chiron.

Chiron, also known as the wounded healer, is an asteroid. When activated, it assists us in drawing power from our wounds.

We can connect with Chiron’s energies during the Libra Solar New Moon Eclipse to remember that even if we have wounds and traumas, we can still live a beautiful life. It can be used to remind us that our wounds can be our strength.

This Eclipse activates Chiron, who, along with Pluto, can increase its power. It can help us travel to the depths and finally make peace with what we find.

This planetary alignment has the potential to make this Eclipse feel deeply healing and restorative. We may experience a greater sense of peace, harmony, and acceptance with where we are.

The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse in Conclusion

This Solar Eclipse is sowing seeds for us. We may encounter problems or notice patterns in our relationships. We could even find ourselves in a power struggle with someone.

But there is also profound healing available here. Healing that can aid in the repair of our relationships, how we relate to others, and how we choose to express our truth.

This Eclipse is potent for standing in our light, asserting our needs, and communicating with those around us about how we can best feel supported. If we have been giving and giving, we must find balance. If we have been taking and taking, we must find balance.

This Eclipse will bring about a sense of harmony. We may feel off-kilter at first, but we are on the right track toward greater peace and self-acceptance.

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