Home Consciousness Use the Power of November’s Gemini Full Moon to Bring Your Dreams into Reality

Use the Power of November’s Gemini Full Moon to Bring Your Dreams into Reality

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Under a full moon, witches cast spells for a reason.

The energy of La Luna is as luminous and daring as her moonlight, making it an ideal time to manifest your desires. Just like any other moon, the Beaver Moon in taskmaster Gemini will rise on November 27, 2023, at 4:16 a.m. ET (10:16 a.m. CET).

In addition to marking the culmination of each lunar phase, full moons are times of release, action, and emotional contemplation. Now that the goals you set at the new moon may be nearing completion, it’s time to plant new seeds of hope. Manifestation, the process of making your dreams a reality by convincing yourself that you have already attained them, is at its peak right now.

Magic, spells, and manifestation are amplified during this phase of the lunar cycle because our emotions are at their peak.

This lunation is all about tapping into the air sign’s potent communicative abilities, since the full moon in November is circling adaptable and inquisitive Gemini. To paraphrase: Say your dreams into being. Shout it out with pride. The stars are aligning, so now is the time to speak your desires into existence.

Manifestation is Great, But Beware

Mars, the planet of aggression and action, is currently stationed opposite the full moon, which means that conflicting emotions and stressful drama are just around the corner.

During this time, Saturn will also be exerting pressure on the moon, which will make it more difficult to communicate without losing your composure.

Striking a balance in this situation is difficult. Putting in the effort to engage in deliberate introspection is essential. Try to get in touch with your feelings. What are your feelings? In the future, how would you like to feel about yourself? In order to bring your vision to life, you should try out these full moon manifestation ideas.

3 Ways to Manifest Your Dreams

• Highlight Your Successes

Send some love and light to the universe in the form of a letter written by a Gemini. If you do it, it will reward you with the ability to manipulate your environment. Give careful consideration to the feelings and mindsets you wish to link with each objective, and be as detailed as you can.

Take out a pen and notebook. To begin manifesting your desires, write an expression of gratitude to the Universe, using the present tense as though they have already materialized. Jot down things like, “Thank you for giving me this beautiful day on the beach” if you’re saving up for a vacation. Spending the afternoon in the sun with my friends was a blast. Knowing that my bank account was secure was a huge weight off my shoulders. Keeping to my budget this year is something I’m really pleased with myself for.

Settle into the sensation of your manifestations becoming a reality and take your time seeing yourself succeeding.

• Make use of the Morning Pages

You must have a complete comprehension of your intentions in order to bring them into manifestation. You can accomplish this goal with the assistance of morning pages. Julia Cameron, the author, is the one who came up with the idea. She writes down her thoughts shortly after she finds herself awake.

Start writing in a stream-of-consciousness manner without pausing for three minutes, and set your timer to go off. You shouldn’t be concerned about what you’re writing; just write something. You might be taken aback by the results that come out. This practice has the potential to assist you in uncovering your buried aspirations and desires, which you may not have been aware existed.

• Create a Wish Jar

Individuals who are air signs are creative problem-solvers. By taking a creative approach to the process of manifesting your goals, you can tap into the Gemini energy that permeates this full moon.

Put a mason jar in front of the full moon and decorate it with glitter, paint, ribbons, dried flowers, or anything else you have lying around. Ideally, you should do this while the moon is brightest. If you ever find yourself with a small wish in your heart or if you want to ask the Universe to validate your manifestations, write them down on a piece of paper and then place them in the jar.

Not only is this an efficient method for visualizing your dreams, but the jar also serves as a visual reminder of your desires, reiterating your ability to create a beautiful future for yourself.

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