Home Consciousness All Planets in Direct Motion Astrology Meaning: The Path is Clear

All Planets in Direct Motion Astrology Meaning: The Path is Clear

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

In astrology, the condition known as “all planets in direct motion” is when the ten major planets are in motion at the same time.

As it seems to be moving backward through the Zodiac, a planet or body is called retrograde in astrology. Turning direct occurs when it stops looking like it’s going backwards and starts looking like it’s going forward again. Moving ahead is what’s called direct motion.

When a planet or body appears to be retrograde in astrology, it can throw off its energy because most bodies normally move forward. Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are the ten main planets.

Mars goes into retrograde around every two years for about two months, Venus for about half a month every year and a half, and Mercury for a few weeks at a time; the only planets that don’t go into retrograde are the Moon and the Sun. Once a year, for several months, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all go into retrograde motion.

Ceres and Chiron are often shown alongside the regular planets, but neither of them is officially taken into account when deciding whether all planets are direct or not. However, I do take them into consideration.

All Planets in Direct Motion & Its Impact

At the very least once a year, there is an occurrence known as All Planets in Direct Motion (APDM). It might be gone in a matter of days or it can linger for months.

Because the planets normally move forward, retrograde motion disrupts this. When everything is moving forward, what does that imply? It portends that we are entering a phase of steadily increasing forward momentum, when we will be able to make rapid advancements. We’re going full bore ahead!

Although it may be challenging to make the most of APDM during its shorter durations (a few days), it is possible to achieve remarkable results during its longer durations (weeks or months). What we aim to accomplish, the tasks at hand, our future plans, and the actions to be taken can all be defined with precision.

Mercury, Venus, and Mars are the retrograde planets that are most likely to sabotage our plans and slow us down. During APDM, the situation is reversed, and the alignment of the planets is favorable to us.

Is All Planets in Direct Motion Necessarily Bad?

Having challenging aspects (especially from Saturn, Uranus, or Pluto) might make this a less than ideal time for you personally. Almost every aspect of astrology that has an effect on you personally is more significant than any aspect that has an effect on the entire population.

It might be a more challenging time overall if the planets are making negative aspects to each other, especially harsh aspects between Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Nonetheless, with continued work, we can get a better sense of direction and press on.

All Planet in Direct Motion: How Do I Use It?

When this energy is available, we should all strive to make the most of it. For a shorter period, say less than two weeks, it’s best to focus on small, manageable tasks and objectives that can be completed rapidly. There seem to be fewer obstacles and more clarity as you press on.

You can aim higher, devise a more extensive strategy, and strive for a more substantial victory if it is going to be longer. Put all your effort into achieving a goal that demands concentration and self-control.

If there are going to be any positive aspects to your APDM experience, pay close attention. Indicating that you’re receiving a significant boost at this time can help you achieve great success.

When is All Planets in Direct Motion in 2024?

Get ready for the start of APDM! When Uranus turns direct on January 27th, we enter APDM, which continues until Mercury goes retrograde on April 1st. Plus, Ceres and Chiron are direct, so that’s an extra bonus—that’s more than two months of APDM!

Not long after that, from April 25 (when Mercury goes direct) to May 2 (when Pluto goes retrograde), there will be another ADPM period. Since this is obviously a substantially shorter period—just around a week—you should maximize the time spent in the beginning. APDM will not be returning in 2024.

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