Home Consciousness The 2024 First Full Moon Is Nearing & the Time is Nigh for Howling… and Healing

The 2024 First Full Moon Is Nearing & the Time is Nigh for Howling… and Healing

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Get honest about how you’re really feeling because the first full moon of 2024 has arrived.

A Wolf full moon in Leo will unleash a torrent of emotions and reveal all your hidden truths on Thursday, January 25, 2024, at 12:54 p.m. ET or 6:54 p.m. CET!

As the moon moves through its eight phases of a lunar cycle, a new energy is brought about each month. During the full moon, according to astrology, it’s best to tune into our feelings and listen carefully to the messages our intuition is sending. During this lunar event, we can take stock of our progress thus far and let go of anything holding us back. As an added bonus, it gives us an opportunity to examine our own behavior for signs of self-sabotage. The first full moon of the year is occurring in the proud and courageous sign of Leo, so it’s time to take a step back and see where we can make improvements. This is easier said than done due to a number of chaotic transits, but if you’re prepared to dig, you might find some surprising things illuminated by the stars.

When is the January Wolf Full Moon in Leo?

On Thursday, January 25, 2024, at 12:54 p.m. ET or 6:54 p.m. CET, the full moon of January will appear. Because this is the time of year when these pack animals emerge from their slumber and can be heard yelling their dreams to the heavens, the full moon that occurs this month is referred to as the Wolf Moon, as stated by the Old Farmer’s Almanac. Along the same lines, you might start to feel enticed by the prospect of new experiences waiting to be discovered when they present themselves. It is possible for you, too, to make a request to the moon and the universe during the wolf moon in order to assist you in locating your pack in advance of your journey.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Wolf Full Moon in Astrology

Out of the eight phases that the moon goes through every month, the full moon is the pinnacle, the biggest and brightest. It is common for new information and hidden mysteries to be revealed during these emotional phases. When the sun—representing our ego and desires—squares off against the moon—representing our intuition and emotions—in astrology, we have a full moon. Because of this, the full moon can be a time of intense self-reflection and, if you’re ready to accept the truth, a time of tremendous personal gain. Everything that has been bothering you or that you have been mulling over may finally come to light during the full moon. What mysteries await you?

What to Expect from January’s Wolf Full Moon in Leo

You’ll feel emotionally prepared to take charge in the months ahead with the first full moon of 2024 in Leo, which occurs in January. Pluto entered Aquarius earlier this month, altering our collective self-perception and causing some upheaval. Because of the strong oppositional aspect that this full moon will form to Pluto’s new position in Aquarius, we will internalize the future uncertainty. Existentialism will undoubtedly set in when there is an abundance of change but a dearth of knowledge regarding the far-reaching effects of that change on society. Rather than letting your thoughts control you, try viewing them like passing clouds.

The sun in Aquarius forms a t-square with the full moon in Leo, placing pressure on Jupiter in Taurus. If you see a t-square pattern, it means there are two ways to get to the same place. At this crossroads in your life, you must choose the path you wish to take. Jupiter, the luckiest and most expansive planet in the sky, wants you to evaluate your life goals and determine which ones are realistic and attainable. It may be difficult for you to swallow your pride and make a practical decision if you insist on holding on to some idealistic fantasies. Expressing your frustration with the situation and lamenting missed opportunities are perfectly normal emotions.

While squarely opposing the full moon, Saturn forms a supportive trine to Jupiter, which is good news. You gain the insight necessary to choose wisely as a result of this. Keep in mind that maintaining the status quo isn’t necessarily the best course of action. Rather, it boils down to meeting your individual requirements. Your decisions, no matter how tough they may be, will help you establish your identity. If you’re feeling particularly hot under the influence of this full moon, know that you’re probably not alone. Embrace each moment as it comes and hold back from acting or speaking inappropriately if you want to make it through this full moon in Leo. Things will settle down once emotions subside.

Wolf Full Moon in Leo: How Does It Affect Every Zodiac Sign?

During the full moon, fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) could encounter unforeseen conflicts and ego clashes. When you enter a new chapter of your life, it’s necessary to let go of some things. The problem is that it might be unfair to give up anything when you have worked so hard to achieve your current level of success. Sometimes it seems like the universe is out to get you, even though you’ve worked really hard to get where you want to go. It is critical, though, to determine which accolades and accomplishments are secondary to those that are in harmony with your spirit. If you want a new life, you can negotiate for it. Don’t let pride get in the way of a chance at success.

This full moon will bring significant relief to the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). Now is a good time to take it easy and gather your thoughts because the majority of planets are in fixed signs. You may have felt like everything is collapsing for a long, and you haven’t had the opportunity to look twice before jumping. Finding solutions as we go along has been an endless loop. Now that you can take a step back and regroup, you can evaluate where you are, get everything out of your system, and let go of whatever has been weighing you down. Soar to new heights of spirituality by releasing the bonds that have been shackling your heart under the influence of this full moon.

The forthcoming full moon in Leo will bring about a moment of tender realization for mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). Your loved ones will quickly come to appreciate you more than you could have imagined. You have been there for me through thick and thin, offering encouragement and a shoulder to cry on, regardless of the difficulties we’ve been facing recently. Messages of appreciation from those you care about will likely arrive during this full moon, expressing their appreciation for your constant support. Gratitude and enjoying life’s little pleasures are well-suited to this energy. Having meaningful conversations with friends during this full moon will likely fill you with inspiration and vitality. During this transit, you will experience great satisfaction from the fruits of your selflessness.

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