Home Consciousness When the Twin Flames Already Have Spouses: The Answer to a Difficult Problem

When the Twin Flames Already Have Spouses: The Answer to a Difficult Problem

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Probably the most serious of challenges twin flames will have to go through is having spouses. They could be married with kids and the situation can get very difficult if they chance upon each other during this period. 

The war that will then rage between their hearts and their minds has no easy end. While it is hard to do so, they must accept that love happens when it is meant to happen and it doesn’t care about where you are in your life at the time.

Moreover, love does not care about social norms. To understand love, you have to move away from these constraints and trust that your heart will not lead you astray. 

When you are sure beyond doubt that you’re wedded to someone who is not right for you, all your matrimonial promises are invalidated. You’ve chosen to tie yourself to a ship that will soon sink. 

Remember that you have made vows to your twin flame in all of your previous lives. The universe itself oversaw the marriage of your souls even before these social norms came into existence. 

When Twin Flames Are Already Married

The question that you might wish to ask is why the universe would put you in this position. If you were always intended to be with your twin flame then why must you go through the pain of breaking someone else’s heart?

Whether you like it or not, the answer is this – you need to attain a certain level of spiritual growth in order to be ready when the time comes for you to meet your twin flame.

You may not see the point of all your struggle and hardships but they do make you stronger and when life becomes a storm tossing and turning you every which way, you will be able to hold your ground. 

All that you experience has a reason behind it. Be accepting of your destiny otherwise you will find yourself lost without guidance. Step in and take charge of your situation and gracefully deal with whatever is handed to you. 

Don’t worry too much if your twin flame already has a spouse. Let them know your feelings but don’t try to forcefully pull them out of their situation. Wait for them to make their choice. If that person is truly your twin flame, nothing in this world will be able to prevent them from coming to you. 

Fated To Be Together

As twin flames, destiny has already dictated that you are meant to be together and you will be able to feel the universe driving you to each other at the right time. Understand that there is no need to feel any shame because loving your twin flame is as natural as breathing, no matter where you are in life at the time. 

Social norms are the real problem here. No matrimonial vow can bind you and you should never allow it to prevent you from reaching out to your true love. As members of society, we are forced to give in to societal beliefs. But love is a unique experience for each and every person. No two love stories are the same. 

Allow your heart to show you the way to happiness. It knows the ways of the universe and will ensure that you are on the right path. 

Therefore, when you are faced with this particular dilemma, take the path of true love because that is the choice that will lead you to eternal joy. 

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