Home Consciousness Are You an Old Soul? Here’s How to Tell

Are You an Old Soul? Here’s How to Tell

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Generally speaking, every one of us is an old soul. But some of us have been here longer than other people. Have you ever thought that some people are very wise for their age? It’s probably because they are old souls!

For example, you know you are an old soul because you have lived so many past lives, and it still amazes you how many you have had. You may feel like this is not ‘home.’ You may have always known that you were a bit ‘different’ even at a young age.

You also felt very driven and ‘pushed’ to follow your spiritual healing path. You may also have solid connections to towns and countries, like you have been there before. But you also feel an extreme dislike for certain places, as you may feel that something terrible has happened to you there.

Before we were born, we chose our parents, as well as our life situations and challenges that would help us facilitate our spiritual growth and sort out any karma. Our bodies are simply a vessel for our souls.

We have a soul, which is pure consciousness and love.

It also has a unique understanding of what is happening, and it understands that everything we do will help facilitate other people’s awakening.

Are you one of those souls who volunteered to come here at this specific point in time to help with the Earth’s ascension? If your answer is ‘yes,’ then the chances that the Earth is not your home planet are big.

Are you rebellious, or may you have been when you were younger? Whether you rebel against religion, laws, or anything else, this may be a sign that your soul knows the only valid laws—The Laws of the Universe.

Have you ever been to a place and felt entirely at home or hated it?

If so, chances are that you have been here in one of your previous lives.

If you have read this far, you are more awakened than most of the people on this planet. You understand the Universal laws and your soul contract. Even when you are not specifically sure of either, your higher self and spirit guides will continue to lead you in the right direction.

People who are older souls can easily see through the lies that we have been taught through religion and our educational facilities. We persist in pursuing knowledge in spiritual domains, assimilating this knowledge more effortlessly than what we learned in school.

An older soul is actually more in tune with how to access and implement their special abilities, like healing or psychic abilities, in the name of humanity. So, if you feel that you do not have any particular abilities but do have a keen interest in them, this is just your soul trying to recall these abilities that you may have had in some previous lifetime.

Also, it is nearly impossible for anyone to transcend ego 100% of the time ultimately, but just being aware of our ego is a definite sign of being an old soul. On the other hand, there is no ego. During our life review, we will relive our ego and see how it affected other people, as well as ourselves.

Money and materialism are products of the 3rd-dimensional reality.

It is easy to succumb to materialism, especially when it is in our faces via advertising, programming, and peer pressure. An older soul will realize that money is non-existent on the other side, and it generally will take away from who we indeed are as spiritual beings.

People who are older souls will use money as a tool to either help facilitate their spiritual progression through spiritual retreats or by possibly creating a home with spiritual meaning instead with luxurious furnishings. They usually use their money to help other people who are less fortunate.

Older souls are also generally more accepted, not just by other people but also by circumstances.

We respect the free will of others, and we are more likely to use tact than verbal demands.

Older souls will usually seek out other like-minded people, as they know such types of people will help them facilitate their spiritual progression. Time alone is also needed, as large crowds of people or many ‘younger’ souls can actually feel uncomfortable for us.

A lot of young souls would not ask this question, much less be concerned about it. While some people who are old souls are not concerned for some different reasons, they just simply ‘know’ that they are old souls, it is nice to have affirmations that coincide with our spiritual progression.

Our cellular memory contains all of our past life incarnations, which we can recall through past life regression. On this planet, there are so many people who are old souls. But many of them remain unawakened and still have a lot more to learn. Many of those who awaken will likely advance to their next stage of spiritual development.

After reading this, do you feel that you are an old soul? If all this resonates with you, the chances that you are an old soul are very high, so tap into your gift, help other people, and enjoy your life here on Earth!

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