Home Consciousness Harness the Fiery Leo Energy with This Powerful New Moon Ritual

Harness the Fiery Leo Energy with This Powerful New Moon Ritual

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The New Moon in Leo on August 4th brings some volatile energy that may trigger our relationships and feelings of self-worth.

Some new information may emerge, causing change or abrupt shifts in our lives, but this New Moon serves as a reminder that it is never too late to wipe the slate clean and start over.

This ritual is intended to correspond with the energies of the New Moon. I hope you like it!

The best time to perform this ritual is from July 30 to August 8, 2024.

Here is a list of all the ingredients you would need for this ritual.


  • A tool for smudging
  • Clean water in a big bowl
  • A variety of your choicest flowers
  • Crystals (1-7)
  • Paper strips: 20
  • Pencil or pen
  • A frequently worn jewelry that you wouldn’t mind getting drenched.

If you can find crystals for all 7 Chakras of your body, great! Otherwise, simply use whatever crystals you are most comfortable with. Also, if you do not have a floating candle, you can very well use a candle in a glass jar.


1. Keep all required items at hand while first smudging yourself and then everything around you. While you are cleansing yourself, recite this mantra:

“I have cleansed myself and let my guard down. I am completely open and safe for whatever may come. My fears have completely left me, and I feel free. I feel safe, and I am filled with love.”

While smudging your surroundings, recite this:

“I have successfully cleansed everything around me with loving energy. There is vitality and cleansing everywhere I can see. This space is filled with love and light. Thank you.”

2. Take a crystal in your hand, representing one of the chakras. Now, keep rubbing it until it familiarizes itself with your energy and starts tingling. After that, simply place it in the water. Do the same for each of the crystals. You can do the same with the jewelry piece.

3. Next, pick up one flower and cup it in your hand. Feel your consciousness merging with it as you send positive energy to it and receive positive energy back. After all that is said and done, put the flower in the water. Repeat the same with all the flowers.

4. Try placing the candle in water very cautiously so that it doesn’t tip over. Then swirl the water with your fingers.

5. As you indulge yourself in swirling the water, be in the moment. Immerse yourself in the movements of the water and recite the following mantra 7 times:

“I am relaxed and completely settled with my life. I trust the Universe to do what is right. I feel safe and relaxed.”

6. Start writing things that give you happiness on the bits of paper. It could be anywhere between 1 to 3 words, and you need to read it out loud when you place it in the bowl.

7. As you have immersed all of it in water, you need to recite this:

“I’m completely ready to bring in new adventures in my life. I’m ready to welcome happiness, joy, and other spirits into my life. I may have been going through a lot, but I know happiness is within my fingertips. Thank you.”

8. As you are done with the paper, leave it in the bowl overnight to get charged up. Blow out the candles if you leave the bowl unattended.

9. When you check your bowl the next morning, remember to clean your jewelry with a piece of clean cloth. Consider recycling the paper strips in your garden.

10. With the leftover water, you can use that to press over all the chakras in your body and any other part that you may feel connected to.

11. The final step in your ritual is to simply enjoy your gift!

Have a safe New Moon in Leo!

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