Home Consciousness Ready Or Not, Change Is Coming! Full Supermoon in Aquarius Warns of Emotional Thunderstorms

Ready Or Not, Change Is Coming! Full Supermoon in Aquarius Warns of Emotional Thunderstorms

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

You may blame August astrology for the recent chaotic energy, as the planetary alignments in this month are undeniably powerful.

On August 19, 2024, at approximately 2:25 p.m. ET (8:25 p.m. CET), we will witness the arrival of our next Full Moon, which happens to be the first Super Moon in a series of four. 

This Full Moon holds significance beyond the ordinary. Not only is this Full Moon a Super Moon, where the Moon appears larger in the sky due to its close proximity to Earth, but it is also a Blue Moon. No, the Moon will not appear blue. There are two different interpretations of a Blue Moon. It can be interpreted as the second Full Moon to occur within a calendar month or as the third Full Moon within a season that has four Full Moons. Both events are quite uncommon, which is why the saying “once in a Blue Moon” exists.

The Full Moon occurs in the Air sign of Aquarius, known for its innovative nature. Aquarius’ energy can be quite potent, adding a heightened intensity to an already intense moment. Allow me to provide you with valuable insights into the potential effects of the Super Blue Moon in Aquarius on your life.

What Can We Expect from August’s Full Supermoon in Aquarius?

Full Moons represent the pinnacle of the Moon Cycle, the energetic zenith. This is the pivotal moment where the various themes of the past few weeks will culminate. Experiencing some disagreements with your partner? Be prepared for the simultaneous emergence of all tensions. Feeling a bit low lately? Now is the perfect moment to indulge in a deeply cathartic release of emotions. Feeling the urge to go out and socialize? This is the perfect time to carefully strategize an exciting evening, as the cosmic energy is at its peak and promises a delightful experience. Full Moons have a tendency to amplify the events occurring in your life, whether they are positive or negative.

However, it’s important to note that this particular Full Moon, known as a Super Blue Moon, amplifies the usual effects associated with a Full Moon. It can be quite tiring or incredibly freeing (or even a mix of both!) depending on your preference for solitude or socializing. Prepare yourself for a profound experience of enlightenment, personal growth, and intense emotions.

Aquarius’ presence adds a distinctive and unconventional touch to the equation. Just like a seasoned astrologer, it’s worth noting that during a full Moon, it typically occurs in the sign that opposes the Sun. In this particular situation, the Moon is in Aquarius, directly opposing the Sun in Leo. People often perceive oppositional aspects as challenging and potentially tense, particularly those with Aquarius or Leo placements in their major three signs. Oppositional aspects can provide a sense of balance, as opposing signs often complement each other. Both Leo and Aquarius take great pride in their individuality and unique qualities. In this case, the Aquarius Moon brings a sense of balance to the strong energy of the Sun in Leo, enabling us to channel our desire to stand out into something purposeful. Aquarius has a strong affinity for unique interests, whether it’s immersing themselves in a new book fandom, pursuing photography as a hobby, or even venturing into entrepreneurship. Expect to experience a revitalized enthusiasm for your niche interests.

It becomes more intriguing when considering the current retrograde of four planets: Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Mercury, all of which are currently moving in a backward spin through the sky. The retrograde periods of Saturn and Pluto are widely regarded as significant opportunities for personal growth and learning. Consider Aquarius’ inclination to challenge the status quo, and you will witness the potential for significant and transformative change. Embracing change can be intimidating, but rest assured that any change that occurs will ultimately bring about healing. The influence of Aquarius will deeply impact our inner selves, suggesting significant transformations on a personal level. Maybe there will be a significant breakthrough in therapy or some profound realizations about your sense of self. It is essential for your personal growth to overcome any discomfort you may encounter. Embrace it with open arms. This rare alignment of planetary positions holds immense transformative power. Use this to your advantage.

The Best Ways to Face the Full Supermoon in Aquarius

Aquarius can be quite intricate and multifaceted. This individual, who values independent thought, prefers to keep their emotions private. So much so that some perceive this sign as lacking emotional depth. Meanwhile, Aquarius has a tendency to be incredibly stubborn, particularly when they firmly believe they have discovered the correct approach to a task.

This is an intricate blend to encounter, influenced by the Moon which governs our inner beings. Having a Moon in Aquarius can sometimes make it challenging for you to openly express your true emotions, as you may try to avoid feeling anything at all. Realize that this approach may not be the best way to handle your emotions. During Full Moons, it is important to be aware of your emotions and how they may affect your reactions. If your natal chart contains significant Aquarian influences, it can have a significant impact on your astrological profile. It is crucial to consciously process your emotions rather than bottling them up, as suppressing them can lead to emotional combustion.

Keep in mind that we’re currently experiencing a Mercury Retrograde. Leo and Aquarius may make you believe that your approach is always correct, but it’s important to cultivate humility and adaptability. During the Mercury Retrograde period, there is increased pressure on communications, making it more likely for misunderstandings to occur. It’s important to approach situations with humility and be open to the wisdom of others, especially those who have more life experience. Though you may be confident in your knowledge, it’s worth listening to experts. Their perspectives can offer new dimensions and enhance your overall understanding. Remember, you should not take all advice at face value. Taking a moment to carefully consider different perspectives and approaches can prove to be advantageous in the long run.

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