Home Consciousness Autumnal Equinox Ritual: Dark & Light Balance

Autumnal Equinox Ritual: Dark & Light Balance

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

As the September Equinox arrives, a moment occurs when light and darkness find their balance, heralding a profound shift in the cosmic energies that surround us.

As we transition into the colder months in the Northern Hemisphere, we observe a shift in energy, drawing inward and inviting introspection. As the leaves gracefully descend from the trees, we witness Mother Earth’s gentle transition into a period of rest. This natural rhythm invites us to align ourselves with her pace, encouraging a moment of reflection and stillness in our own lives.

In the Southern Hemisphere, we witness a dynamic shift as energy radiates outward, heralding the approach of the warmer summer months. The blossoming of flowers heralds the return of fertility to the natural world, as life awakens once more in a vibrant display of renewal. Similarly, the blossoming of flowers invites us to nurture our potential, thrive, and boldly express ourselves in the world.

The current transition in energy is highlighted by the Sun’s ingress into the air sign of Libra. Libra embodies the journey of discovering equilibrium, emphasizing the importance of honoring both your own desires and the desires of those around you.

As the Sun transitions into Libra, we witness a heightened focus on the themes of partnership and community. This cosmic shift encourages us to explore the dynamics of collaboration and harmony with those around us, fostering a spirit of unity rather than division.

To honor this transformative energy, consider this straightforward ritual idea. You can customize this ritual to suit your preferences, making it versatile and practicable anywhere.

September Equinox Ritual

This ritual is best done on September 22 however, it can be done on the days surrounding too.

You’ll need:

  • A fresh flower (for those in the Southern Hemisphere)
  • A dried leaf (for those in the Northern Hemisphere)
  • A bowl of water
  • Candle
  • Pen and paper


1. Arrange all your ingredients before you and take 10 deep breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth to ground your energy.

2. Ignite your candle, rest your hand gently over your heart, and confidently recite the following affirmation aloud:

“I am balanced. I am whole. I am grounded. I am centered. I am earth; I am water. I am fire; I am air. I am the Sun; I am the Moon. I am in harmony with everything that exists within me and all that surrounds me. I’m grounded in my essence. I am peace. I am love. I am light. I am harmony.”

3. Inhale deeply five more times, keeping your hand resting gently over your heart. Begin by taking your piece of paper and dividing it in half. Take a moment to grab two pieces of paper. On the first, write down one thing you’re ready to release from your life. On the second, note one thing you wish to invite in.

4. Fold both sheets of paper carefully, and hold the one containing your desired release firmly in your hand. Clench your fist and vocalize your desire to let go of what no longer serves you. Carefully position the paper into the flickering flame of the candle. As soon as the paper ignites, place it into the bowl of water.

5. Next, grab a piece of paper for the item you wish to attract into your life. Position it atop or alongside the flower or leaf. Join the two items and say aloud, “With this new season, I welcome… into my life. I am confident that what I want is on its way to me.”

6. Gently immerse the leaf or flower, along with the paper, in the bowl of water, allowing them to coexist harmoniously in this tranquil setting. Gently hold the bowl of water with both hands and express your gratitude by repeating “Thank You” five times.

7. Remove the bowl of water from the garden. Your intentions have been delivered to the nature spirits and the vast Universe beyond.

Wishing you a happy Equinox!

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