Home Consciousness All Strong Women Keep These 5 Types Of People In Their Life

All Strong Women Keep These 5 Types Of People In Their Life

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Although it seems that there is a strong difference in regards to a friendship between the sexes, it turns out that there are more similarities and differences.

Psychology has found that women “tend to invest more in maintaining their friendships – calling friends regularly [and] meeting more frequently.” On the other hand, men` s friendships are more “transactional,” in that they meet for activities like watching football and then go their separate ways.

Strong women make the best friends, even for some men. It is so because strong women are honest, direct, encourage independence, have their friend`s back, and are always there to encourage and inspire.

Here are five types of friends that strong women keep in their life:

1. The Wise Cracker

Life get serious and we all need that one friend who keeps reminding us of humor`s importance and prevents us from becoming ill-tempered and feeling miserable.

We should all be lucky to have a wise cracker in our social circle. These people have the ability to somehow sense someone` s despair and pain, and deliver a pinch line at the right moment.

2. The Human Polygraph

Some people are like a polygraph machine with ability to sense a lie miles away. Although they are not 100% right all the time, they are quite close though.  Not only they possess this amazing skill, but are great friends too.

The combination of deductive abilities and inner strength makes them terrific friends and someone that will never make excuses for themselves.

3. The Virtuously Angry Friend

It`s been almost 100 years of the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote.  But, many women have difficulties with their rights even these days.

Many women are simply averse to conflict, which is an integral part of their personality. But, sometimes, situations, arise when they are forced to employ a mature variety of anger.

These people demonstrate that anger is okay either through word or deed.  Similarly, they quickly differentiate between anger of virtue and rude anger.

4. The Misfit

We are witnesses of the social arrangement during life as it is simply uncommon for people`s inner circle to resemble themselves.  The fact that we associated with like-minded people is sad as it narrows our view of the world. This social order breeds intolerance at worst. At best, it manifests into type of ignorance.

When it comes to friendship, the misfit is a person who leads different type of life, which makes them a potentially terrific friend. These people have the ability to teach us different viewpoints and a critical lesson, such as tolerance.

5. The Rooter

When life gets difficult, we tend to inflict self-harm, analyzing our failures and draining our self-respect.  Just like we need a straight-shooter, we also need someone who can look past our failures and inspire.  The rooter is a type of friend who embraces you, saying  “Remember your strengths.” If you can’t, they will be more than happy list them off for you.

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