Home Consciousness Aries Full Supermoon Ritual, October 2024: Finding Your Heart’s Desire

Aries Full Supermoon Ritual, October 2024: Finding Your Heart’s Desire

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024, radiates a vibrant and dynamic energy. The Full Moon in Aries encourages us to embrace our inner warrior, compelling us to rise to the occasion and assert our leadership. The energies of Mars and Pluto are notably engaged during this Full Moon, amplifying the intensity and volatility of the cosmic atmosphere.

Each of us encounters challenges that hinder our desires and impede our progress in life. The challenges we encounter, regardless of their nature, frequently serve as reflections of our innermost fears.

The mind possesses immense power, and frequently, the challenges we encounter are reflections of the fears that reside within us.

Obstacles often serve a vital purpose, guiding us to reflect on our true desires and the lengths we are prepared to go to in order to manifest them. Challenges serve as guiding forces on our journey.

This Aries Full Moon promises to be a powerful force for overcoming challenges. This Full Moon presents a powerful opportunity to transcend any obstacles that may be hindering your path, guiding you toward a transformative breakthrough.

To embark on this journey, it is essential to embrace surrendering and let go of any lingering fears.

To truly transcend fear, one must cultivate a profound sense of self-belief. When you cultivate self-belief and embrace the essence of life, your journey and destiny become illuminated, rendering fear powerless in its presence.

When you hold a belief close to your heart, when your deepest aspirations resonate with fervor, all fears diminish in significance.

We craft this sacred practice to align you with your innermost aspirations and cultivate a deep sense of self-belief. It serves as a powerful means to release any fears that may be obstructing your path forward.

The essence of your endeavors lies in attuning to the whispers of your heart’s true desires and nurturing a steadfast belief in their manifestation. As you embark on this journey, you will find that everything else will naturally align in due time.

Aries Full Supermoon Ritual for Finding Your Heart’s Desire

You will need:

  • Sage or Palo Santo for smudging
  • 4 Candles
  • Black tea leaves (tea bag is fine)
  • 3 of your favorite crystals (choose whatever you feel drawn to)
  • Pen and paper


This ritual is best done in the evening before bed. Optimal times to complete this ritual are October 12th-22nd.

1. Prepare the tea as instructed and let it cool down. Absolutely no milk, please! All you really need is that hot cup of tea.

2. As the tea cools, take a moment to cleanse your aura and environment with sage or Palo Santo, allowing their sacred properties to enhance your space. Should you have the choice, consider utilizing Palo Santo, as it resonates harmoniously with the energetic frequency of Aries.

3. After you have purified yourself and your aura, arrange your ritual in the following manner:

  • Arrange the candles in a square formation, positioning one in each corner to create a harmonious energy flow.
  • Gently position your cup of tea in the center of the square.
  • Position your crystals around the cup in a configuration that resonates with your intuition.

4. To begin activating the energy, gently start to massage your heart center in a circular motion. Bring your hands together in a prayer position, and gently rest them at your heart center. Take a moment to close your eyes and breathe deeply, inhaling and exhaling 10 to 20 times. As you take a breath, envision your heart center blossoming wide open. Imagine it as a flower bud unfolding or a luminous sphere of white or pink light expanding steadily.

Remember, if visualizing isn’t your strong suit, you can quietly affirm to yourself:

“I am now opening my heart center to release and unlock my true desires.”

5. When you detect a soft buzz or hum in your heart center (this may take more than 10 breaths), gently and quietly invite your heart to reveal its desire to you. Inquire within and discover what your heart truly desires from you. It could manifest as text on a page or a vivid image in your mind. You might hear it articulated clearly, or perhaps it will come to you as an instinctive feeling or a deep sense of understanding. Embrace the feelings and messages that come your way, and resist the urge to judge them. Simplicity is key.

6. Grab your pen and paper and start jotting down the messages that come to you. This way, you’ll have them to reflect on later. Write as much or as little as you desire; let your inspiration guide you. Simplicity is key for this ritual.

7. When you catch a glimpse of your heart’s true desire, rub your hands together, repeating your wish, and gently cradle the tea cup with them. Black tea embodies the dynamic energy and vibrancy associated with fire and the planet Mars, reflecting the essence of Aries. As you cradle the tea cup, whisper your heart’s desire three times and savor a sip of the brew. This sip embodies the essence of infusing your deepest desires throughout your entire being. It powerfully enhances your desire.

8. Position your tea cup back in the center of the candles, along with the crystals. Fold your paper neatly and position it right in the center. Place your hands gently over your heart, express your gratitude, and then extinguish the candles, leaving everything else undisturbed overnight.

9. On the following morning, prepare your tea and cleanse your hands with it. As you cleanse your hands, take a moment to repeat the following words:

“I cleanse myself of yesterday’s fears and liberate myself from the barriers that have been holding me back. I release the past and embrace the freedom of moving forward, knowing I no longer need to hold onto it. I cleanse my fears and fill the space with profound insights into my heart’s true longing. The essence of my deepest longing now courses through me, guiding my every step with clarity and purpose. There are no limits when I pursue what my heart truly wants.”

10. Conclude the ritual by tidying up the candles and crystals. Store that piece of paper in a secure spot as a constant reminder of your heart’s true desire.

Happy Aries Full Moon!

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