by Conscious Reminder Feng Shui and its importance for bringing in good fortune in your life cannot be questioned. However not many know that Feng Shui considerations also come in …
by Lindsay Morris Astrology and horoscope using the zodiac signs have been around for ages, but recently astronomers have declared the presence of a 13th zodiac sign, Ophiuchus. Well, does that mean …
A Pool of Personal Power Between Both Counterparts There is something that I came to realize fairly recently that I have found to hold true for me at an individual …
by Conscious Reminder We are governed by our emotions. They guide us, take us down a path which can either be filled with sweet scented roses, or deep, dark caverns. …
The human aura is described as a hazy bubble of light that surrounds a human being from head to toe. An aura has multiple layers that interact and relay information …
Easter’s Blue Moon Is The Last One Until 2020 — Time To Cut The Negative Ties
by Conscious Reminder The Full Moon coming at the end of this month is going to be an eventful one and nothing will be able to stop it. The change …
by Conscious Reminder Spiritual gifts are the talk of the town these days. And though all of us have some special talent of our own, the extent of it can …
by Karen When twin flame’s initially meet, often one or both are already in other relationships or are married. Sometimes, a little after meeting, some twin flames form a relationship with …
Perhaps the most difficult concept of subjective reality is the identity shift from ego-centeredness to awareness-centeredness. In this post I’ll do my best to explain this shift. Such an awareness …
by Conscious Reminder The story goes that man was created by the gods as having one body but two heads and two distinct halves: a male and a female. It …