by Conscious Reminder “It is a curious thing, the death of a loved one. We all know that our time in this world is limited, and that eventually all of …
Have You Been Gifted With Clairvoyance? Signs You Need To Look For
by Conscious Reminder If you are reading this right now, it is probably because certain things have been happening to you lately that are making you wonder if coincidences are …
by Magical Recipes Online The Psychic Vampires: the lore, the truth and how to Recognise them Although there is not such an extended bibliography concerning real life incidents of psychic …
Twin Flame Astral Projection: Feeling Your Twin Flame In Dreams
We dream almost every single day. We dream about weirdly interesting things, even things which make sense or none at all. But there’s more meaning to dreams. When we dream, …
by Conscious Reminder Soul connections are incredibly unique and rare. You almost always know when you are experiencing this incredible event. The sheer spiritual potential of such a union is …
Is There A Chance You’ve Met A Past Life Lover?
by Conscious Reminder The philosophy of reincarnation is widespread in most cultures, and it is believed that souls reincarnate again in different forms and return to Earth. All of us have …
If You’re Experiencing Any Of These Things, Then You Might Just Be Haunted
by Aaliya Bilal Ghosts aren’t always detectable, but there are some great ways they let us know of their presence. If you’e experienced any of this, chances are that you might …
Bridging The Worlds: Do We Really Communicate With The Dead
Are the Dead Really With Us? John Holland is a short fiction writer, performer, event organizer. He is based in Stroud, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom. He writes short stories and books …
Science Confirms That Cats And Dogs Can See “Spirits” And Frequencies That Humans Can’t
Many different types of animals have the ability to see in frequencies that we humans cannot. Until now it was thought that animals could not see UV rays but scientific evidence suggests …
Cats Are Natural Empaths That Can Heal Your Mind, Body, And Soul
by Conscious Reminder Sure, if you are a cat person you already know that they can be pretty amazing animals but they are so much more than that. They are …