by Conscious Reminder Meaning 999 is at the end of the triple-digit Angel Numbers. It accumulates three instances wherein it gathers an integer of zenith-level. As it goes with life, …
Weekly Horoscope: What The Stars Have In Store For Your Zodiac For 8th-15th September
by Conscious Reminder The ninth month has begun and we are headed towards the end of the year. It is time to go back to work and harvest the benefits …
by Conscious Reminder You might be someone who has a heavy heart. You don’t like to talk about it, but generally, you have a tendency to feel things more intensely …
by Conscious Reminder One of the greatest gifts and curses of a human being is the act of holding on to things. Why is it a gift? Well, it creates …
by Conscious Reminder Do you feel like all the positivity is vanishing from around you? Life seems dull, boring, and stagnant? Society gives us new parameters of success each day …
Pisces Full Moon September 13th/14th: Be Prepared To Have Your Faith Tested
by Conscious Reminder September 14 would see the Full Moon joining Neptune in 21 degrees Pisces. You might be beset with certain disappointments as a result of Jupiter squaring Neptune, …
by Conscious Reminder Numerology puts great emphasis on a person’s life path number. This helps numerologists not only understand your mind but your soul and personality as well. Your particular …
by Conscious Reminder Forgive your past because it serves you no good now. Lead a life full of love and peace. When you forgive others, it is your wounds which …
by Conscious Reminder Do you find people taking advantage of your kindness? Do you go out of your way just to please those around you? If they truly cared for …
Venus Skips Retrograde In 2019, But The One In 2020 Will Definitely Affect Your Love Life
by Conscious Reminder Although Venus isn’t moving retrograde until 2020, its energies are vibrating at a more accelerated pace now. You might not understand the machinations in place, but someone …