by Conscious Reminder On 18th May, the full moon will be at 27° Scorpio present opposite to Mercury. It brings rational thinking but the problem is, it won’t sit well with …
Do You Look at The Clock at the Same Time Every Day? It’s Time to Pay Attention
by Conscious Reminder Coincidences are regularly present in our lives. Every day, a lot of things happen that sometimes, it is simply impossible to understand and know the reason why something …
Today Is Mother’s Day: Honoring Mother Earth And Everything That Gives Life
by Conscious Reminder For a lot of people, Mother’s Day represents a quite challenging day, and a day full of remembrance and beauty. Mothering is definitely the most complicated task that …
by Conscious Reminder There are a lot of reasons why we should make ourselves our priority in our lives. For instance, our relationship can decline, and our favorite job can change, …
Expect These 5 Reactions When You Outsmart a Narcissist
by Conscious Reminder There are many helpful things online that can be useful in identifying narcissistic individuals. Such things will provide us with the signs we should pay attention to and …
by Conscious Reminder The Arcturian starseeds share several traits with the Arcturian beings, although they are actually incarnated on our planet. Arcturus is the star that is located in a constellation …
Venus Starts Her Reign In Taurus On May 15th: Becoming Your True Self
by Conscious Reminder Venus will be entering Taurus on 15th May. Venus rules both Libra and Taurus and so, it will be pleased to enter its home sign. In Taurus, Venus …
These Three Planets Are Retrograding And It’s Actually Not A Bad Thing
by Conscious Reminder Whenever you come across the term ‘retrograde’, you get terrified. Well, rightly so – after all, retrogrades affect our daily communication and work. Our energy starts to deplete …
by Conscious Reminder A lot of women in the world confuse being independent with being apathetic and strong with being abrasive. This means that they usually take the mindset “I don’t …
Have You Ever Said Or Heard “I Love You”? — A Zen Master Explains What It REALLY Means
One of the biggest step to take in any relationship is the uttering of the sentence “I love you”. That’s a given. And there are always questions and doubts surrounding the said: …