by Freddie Tubbs, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder In the past two decades, yoga has picked up an enormous following in the West. The numbers of people engaging in Yoga weekly, even …
by Conscious Reminder When we start embracing our psychic gifts, we will pick up some bad vibes. A lot of people are going to have an immediate dislike for; however, it …
Chiron Enters Aries, February 18th: The Wounded Healer Brings Up Personal & Health Problems
by Conscious Reminder February 2019 is marked by Chiron’s entrance into Aries. Chiron enters Aries on February 18th, after spending over seven years in the sign of Pisces, and will stay there …
by Conscious Reminder Sometimes, you probably met a person whose energy was so intense that you instantly knew you could not stand him or her or you think you fell …
by Conscious Reminder There are people who are inexplicably afraid of fire. They even don’t have the ability to light a candle because they feel anxious. That leads to the question: …
It feels like the Jan. full moon (which was also a total lunar eclipse!) just happened. But, believe it or not, a new moon cycle is on the way. That starts with, …
by Conscious Reminder Energies are something really powerful, so when we are sensitive to them more than usual, they will have a greater impact on us. When we have potent intuitive …
Tonight Is The Most Energetic New Moon Of 2019 — Get Ready For A Massive Energy Shift!
On the 4th of February, we are going to witness a New Moon happening in Aquarius. This New Moon will hold glittering, beautiful and abundant energy for every one of us. Right …
by Conscious Reminder On 4th of February, 2019, there will be a New Moon at 15º Aquarius decan 2. It creates an eye pattern and activates our third eye. The star Alnair …
by Conscious Reminder We all had sometimes felt like we had lived a specific moment before, while we were going about our day. Maybe we had a discussion, and we knew …