by Conscious Reminder Most of us believe exhaustion to be something that our body is dealing with. There are mostly physical manifestations of it. We feel sleepy, we can’t work …
by Conscious Reminder One’s third eye has always been put on a pedestal since the medieval times. Even though biology has a special term for it called the pineal gland, …
by Conscious Reminder People are increasingly accepting that the so-called emotional intelligence forms a significant part and is a significant factor in their happiness and success, not just at their work, …
If You Are Showing Most Of These Signs, You Are Definitely An Advanced Soul
by Conscious Reminder Many people love to think that they are important and that they, in comparison to other people, are advanced human beings. But, they are often incorrect; however, that …
by Conscious Reminder Kundalini is referred to as our life force. When we do not go through any awakening process, our life force remains stuck in our spine. It depends on …
by Conscious Reminder The system of chakras in our subtle bodies is actually analogous to the system of organs in our physical bodies. Every chakra has an authentic set of functions …
by Conscious Reminder When we lose our loved one, we usually face a lot of questions which we would like to know the answers of, and we typically get devastated. While …
These Signs Will Tell You If There’s Negative Energy in Your Space
by Conscious Reminder Energies are something really powerful, so when we are sensitive to them more than usual, they will have a greater impact on us. When we have potent intuitive …
by Conscious Reminder Discovering the magic within isn’t easy when you’re living in a society that forces you to conform to its dreary rules. Evil entities work to keep this …
Indigo children and adults are people whose auras are indigo in color. Every indigo will undertake the mission of healing or teaching in some way, usually merely by being who she or he is. …