by Conscious Reminder
Our true reality isn’t matter, but vibration and energy. This has been proven by many researches, especially in the field of quantum physics. This fact makes a major difference in our lives.
If everything is energy, then our thoughts are energy too, which means that they have the potential to affect the outer world. Thoughts are not something that only takes place in our heads.
If everything is energy then people are energy too, which means two things:
1. People are able to improve and grow as much as they want and for as long as they want, and;
2. People are immortal. It’s impossible to destroy energy.
What happens if we direct energy towards an object or a body? The vibration/frequency of that body/object increases, which means that its state has changed too.
If we heat ice, it turns into water. If we keep heating it, water becomes steam, and even though our eyes no longer see it, it is still there, nothing has disappeared.
This is basic physics. What applies to ice and water, of course, applies to people as well. If someone managers to significantly raises their vibration, it is logical to believe that the moment will come when he or she will become invisible. It has nothing to do with mysticism or magic, but only with physics.
If this man is invisible, it means that he or she succeeded in transforming their rough material body into fine material and that there is no death.
So, if the man is vibration, then the vibration can be changed at will. The only question is how?
The answer is very simple: through our thoughts. We can change our body’s vibration with the way we think. It is very easy to test it. Think of love. Think of hate. The effect they will have on your body is completely different, as they change our frequencies.
And because everything is vibration, a disease is nothing but vibrational disharmony. And it’s pretty obvious that you can fix this disharmony with the help of different kind of vibrations. Some of them include: music, colors, scents and, of course, our thoughts. However, this isn’t a new insight.
It’s all about energy and vibration. For example, we could look at the man as a musical instrument. As we already know, music and tones are vibration. If an instrument is not well tuned, it produces disharmonious tones.
Quite similar to that, the men can be a badly tuned instrument that produces disharmonious tones which leads to aggression, conflicts and dissatisfaction.
You are probably familiar with the expression ‘out of tune’. Well, this is about trying, with the help of our thoughts, to tune this instrument called ‘man’ back to its normal state. But no one can do it for us. Every man is responsible of themselves and the way they think – and thus for the harmonious or disharmonious vibrations they create and send out in his environment.
And it’s really interesting how language always leaves me baffled and amazed. The man is also called a person. The word person is derived from the Latin ‘personare’, which means ‘to sound through’. Having said that, the man is the one that the sound goes through. Once again, we have vibration and tones. Every person is a tone and every tone can be changed at will – it’s either harmonious or disharmonious.
If you want to resolve your problems and reach your goals quickly and effortlessly, you have to remember one fact – everything is vibration and therefore changeable.
Concrete is vibration too – and it can be changed. The impossible coworker, he is a vibration too – he can change. Even an autistic child is vibration and can change, even though conventional medicine can put him or her in the incurable category.
Many things are considered incurable by conventional, materialistically-oriented medicine.
However, this doesn’t correspond to the experiences we are constantly going through and it certainly doesn’t match the latest discoveries in the field of quantum physics. We’re literally wasting our time and money if we keep trying to explain and understand the world by using materialistic methods. It would be much better if we kept to fundamental and basic principles. And such a basic principle says: everything is vibration.
This is reality!
Have this in mind because this is your life we’re talking about here. You’re the one who decides weather your thoughts will lead you into the mystery of the darkness or rise you into the light. You are the one who has the power to choose – no one else. This is real. Everything else is conditioned by our thoughts, ignorance and superstition.
If you see the world as a river of tears, you’re a lowering your vibration.
If you see it as an infinite celebration, you’re raising your vibration.