Home Consciousness 6 Universal Traits All Old Souls Share

6 Universal Traits All Old Souls Share

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Old souls are special people who enjoy living differently. Old souls are those who have reincarnated on Earth many times, as compared to fresh souls who might be born for the first time in the world.

Because they are older at heart, old souls have different attitudes and temperaments. Because of this, old souls face many distinct problems in their lives.

Old souls love solitude.

Old souls are those who are more reserved than younger souls. They are strong, even when alone, and comfortable in their loneliness.

They may come across as ‘boring’ to their younger peers due to their lack of enjoyment from clubbing or frequenting pubs. They may not have a vibrant social life in comparison to their peers.

Old souls attract others.

On account of their wisdom and good humor, they attract many people towards them. But this often leaves them emotionally and mentally exhausted. They are extremely empathic people, but interaction and attention quite easily make them tired.

Old souls are lonely.

Old souls are only interested in meaningful relationships with other people. They only tend to form close and small circles with other people, and that is perhaps the reason why you won’t see them raging in a party. Instead, they love one-on-one conversations and a small circle of friends.

Old souls forgive.

Old souls do not bear grudges against other people. They forgive and forget quickly, understanding that it’s better to avoid absorbing negativity and hoping it doesn’t burn others. They know that we are all one, and there is no point in holding grudges against each other and creating differences rather than forgiving and being one. This is also how they raise the collective vibration.

They are easy-going.

Being easy-going, they are often taken advantage of by other people. They do not attempt to control everything and instead prioritize the well-being of everyone.

This is why they fall prey easily to emotional vampires and narcissists.

They don’t take decisions seriously.

Because they have strong intuition, their decisions may not make any sense to other young souls. They lived hundreds or thousands of lives before this birth, so they rely on something beyond logic that other souls may not be aware of.

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