Home Consciousness 6 Keys To Healing As An Empath

6 Keys To Healing As An Empath

by consciousreminder
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While talking about the damage that an empath can undergo at the hands of a narcissist, I was asked the question, “As an empath, how do you heal?” 

I think that is an important topic to cover because, as an empath, the constant emotional barrage from people around you can make for a wound that never closes. It’s seemingly impossible to take the time to deal with your own issues when you carry the weight of all of the emotional baggage from the people in your life.

So, for an empath, here are 6 ways that you can begin the process of healing your own wounds before you take any lashes from anyone around you.

# Disconnect

Disconnecting from others, though difficult for empaths, is the best way to heal. I mention it first in this list of tips because it is at the root of the five things that are to be followed. Get away, even if it is just for an hour or two. Don’t worry; the world will be here when you get back.

# Acceptance

Just like dealing with anything else in life, it is essential that you really come to terms with the fact with the fact that you are an empath. Don’t entertain the possibility of being an empath; instead, embrace your true nature. There is nothing wrong with you; you are just unique. Empaths are admirable, yet I believe they often perceive themselves as flawed. The world should take care of you, not vice versa.

# Own It

Once you have accepted that you are empathic by nature, make it a part of who you are—not an excuse to feel the way you do. Own your existence, and be proud of who you are. It’s estimated that only 1 in 20 people is a true empath. Pride in your sensitivity is the only way to avoid feeling like a victim.

# Meditate. Seriously…

I can’t stress enough the importance of meditation. There are literally hundreds of meditation techniques available to study and perfect; you just have to find what works best for you. For some people, white noise or a specific type of music is the key. Others need total silence. Take the time to figure out what works best for your brain.

# Love It

Accepting your empathic nature and owning it are important, but above all, you have to love it. Again, you are special. You are unique. People in your life are blessed to have you around. They aren’t a burden. That’s like a doctor blaming his patients for being tired. Being an empath is just a facet of what makes you who you are. This is not a condition to be treated.

# Develop Boundaries

Finally, it is critical to establish boundaries. This isn’t the same thing as building walls. Consider your boundaries like a line in the sand. Let the people in your life stay on their side of that line, and if they cross it, it’s easier to keep them away. Be upfront about your boundaries. Don’t make them invisible. One of the hardest things for an empath to do is boot people out of their lives, and crossing boundaries is as good a reason as any.

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