Home Consciousness 5 Things That Only Highly Sensitive People Truly Understand

5 Things That Only Highly Sensitive People Truly Understand

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Baudelaire, Nietzsche, Joyce, Camus, Kafka all had one thing in common: they understood the darkness and the illusions in life. The complexity of life, which a normal pedestrian would discard as merely fanciful thinking, was their life.

They understood because they were deeply sensitive about everything that was happening around them. Their thoughts were not only aligned with their own, but they also encompassed the entire population. They were deep thinkers, for their entire lives were devoted to finding the meaning—the reason behind everything.

But are you equally thoughtful and sensitive? Let’s find out.

1. Reasoning everything.

You like to reason and analyze everything, because you believe everything happens for a reason, and it is your duty to find it. Sometimes, you introspect so deeply that you start feeling depressed about yourself and keep thinking that you are worth nothing.

2. Trying to make sense of everything.

You always try to convey everything in a way that makes sense to you. You believe that every action provides us with knowledge—knowledge of how to act and live. You’re trying to experience that.

3. Being serious.

You are always serious. Attempting to rationalize and comprehend the significance of every action and human reaction strains your humor, as you are uncertain if the circumstance calls for a chuckle or not. But interpretation is subjective to the individual, and they believe that being comedic would make light of something that needs deeper thinking.

4. Not ‘Beyond Good and Evil’.

Deep thinkers always see the world as either positive or negative. Darkness or light; heaviness or lightness. They are staunch zealots of what they believe to be true, and they wouldn’t budge from it. It’s either all or nothing.

5. Idealism 

They think that the world should work according to their ideals, which they believe to be conducive to the workings of the earth. They hold certain values in high regard, believing them to be genuine. Their idealistic ideas thrive or exist in their own company, and they expect utopia in a world that doesn’t believe in it.

Deep thinkers crave the love, affection, and adoration of someone who loves and understands them better than they do themselves. But they sometimes forget that the road they have chosen is fraught with obstacles, and they have to walk alone.

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