Home Consciousness 7 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You Have an Alpha Personality

7 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You Have an Alpha Personality

by consciousreminder
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It’s not you, it’s them. Right?

Yes, you have an alpha personality but that doesn’t mean people need to think you’re overly aggressive or detached.

Unlike you, a beta personality isn’t going to realize that you are acting a certain way because your personality pushes you in that direction.

This can lead to major miscommunications, first impressions and relationship struggles.

The key to creating successful relationships with beta personalities as an alpha personality is in understanding what the other person isn’t.

Realizing who you are talking to and the impression you are giving should become one of the most important focuses of your day to day.

If you’re an alpha personality, chances are you have a lot of interactions like the ones outlined below.

You may be giving off the impression that you don’t care, that you believe your voice is stronger than others or that you push people too much.

In reality, you feel that you care too much, others haven’t realized the truth and people are being too lazy with their life choices.

How do you get your message across so a beta personality doesn’t feel overwhelmed?

Here is what you are doing, that people don’t realize is a direct result of your alpha personality, and how to leave the right impression.

1. You express your opinion on a situation or event.

Other alpha personalities will appreciate your transparency and opinion on a particular topic.

Beta personalities may feel like you’re overriding them in the conversation or explaining how your opinion is right and theirs is wrong.

Instead of just stating your opinion, try to start with, “I understand where you’re coming from.

Do you think that using X strategy would work better?”.

2. You want to be alone.

As an alpha personality, spending time alone gives you time for self growth and recharging your batteries.

You’re not one to want to spend much time on mundane tasks or small talk.

You want to be productive when the time is right and relax when it’s not.

A beta personality may take this as an anti social cue, but you can avoid this by explaining, “I’m interested in finishing this book that I’ve started, as it’s giving me great insights into how I can implement X into my life.”

This will show them that you are busy taking action to improve and will help them to understand why you’re choosing to spend time alone.

3. You only believe it when you see it.

Beta personalities don’t tend to see loose obligations, but you do.

You know when somebody says, “Yeah, maybe I’ll be there.” that the chances of them joining are quite slim.

You’re not one to spend time on people who aren’t going to follow through and for that reason you might seem unattached to certain people.

Instead of trying to explain your reasoning to a beta personality, allow time to run its course.

If the person doesn’t follow through on their promise, they’ve shown their true colors at no expense to your reputation.

4. You walk away from drama or overly emotional situations.

An alpha personality doesn’t waste time.

If it’s not creating self growth and only bringing them down, dramatic or emotional situations are unnecessary.

As a beta personality, they may see this as a cold shoulder.

Though there is no one fits all hack for emotional situations, you can do your best to listen and remain understanding during somebody’s hardship.

Sometimes your time is best spent on helping somebody else move through a tough time, even if it can feel like time allocated away from productivity.

5. You want to take risks in life, business and relationships.

Beta personalities don’t want to jump off a cliff and hope their parachute will open.

Alpha personalities live for that jump.

As an alpha personality, you’re going to want to take risks in life, business and relationships because you feel a confidence within yourself to find the success you’re envisioning.

Beta personalities may try to coax you away.

It’s hard to tell somebody how much you believe in yourself.

It’s easy to show them.

Spend your time taking actionable steps towards the goal you’re looking to achieve and showing that there is no reason to worry, you’ve got it handled.

6. You avoid situations that don’t interest you.

Alpha personalities say no.

A dominant, alpha personality knows that time is their biggest asset.

The more of it they give away to unfulfilling and unproductive activities, the less they have to create prosperity in their lives.

An alpha personality tends to seem detached from situations because of this.

They may not make small talk with strangers or they’ll seem disconnected during conversation.

To avoid seeming uninterested, look at each conversation as a class with a crucial lesson waiting to be learned.

Each person has something to teach you, how quickly can you find it?

7. You are honest about people being lazy in their job, relationship or life.

You aren’t afraid to be brutally honest with those that need to hear it.

This honesty doesn’t come from a negative space, in fact it’s the complete opposite.

You’re honest with your significant other, friends and family because you believe wholeheartedly in their success.

If they can’t see their potential, you want them to see how much they are capable of accomplishing.

A beta personality may take this as aggressive and shy away from talking to you about their goals.

To avoid this, try to look at each conversation as a platform designed to bring the other person higher.

What can you tell them that will motivate them to take action and create the lifestyle, partner or job that they are desiring?

How can your words bring them higher?

It’s not you, it’s them.

But that doesn’t mean you should attempt to see eye to eye with those who may be confused by your personality.

Successful alpha personalities understand that everyone isn’t thinking the same way they are.

As an efficient and strong personality, they tune their personality to support those around them.

Instead of pushing their dominance, they find ways to help others rise.

They leave a piece of their alpha with every beta that they meet.

And this is the key to showing people the true colors residing within a complex and strong alpha personality.

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