Home Consciousness How To Stay Mentally Strong During Life’s Toughest Challenges

How To Stay Mentally Strong During Life’s Toughest Challenges

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

We should all face the fact that every one of us goes through tough times in life. Notably, the mental strength of every person is going to be challenged, and at times when it will not be that strong, they are going to experience stress, self-doubt, and tension.

This is going to lead them to think negatively, and that negativity is going to result in negative behaviors and feelings. In order to save ourselves from such negative times, we have to follow the below-presented ABC formula.

“A”: Accept reality.

When we accept something, it doesn’t mean that we agreed with it; it actually means that we accepted it after we observed it from a more realistic point of view. For instance, we may oppose racism, but we need to accept that it actually exists. Hence, when we accept reality, it also involves the identification of things that are under our control, and we even control ourselves after we accept that there are things that we are not able to control because they are not in our hands.

“B”: Behave productively.

When we finally accept our reality, we have to do much better at managing our emotions and thoughts, which are probably going to make us behave productively. When we make the right decision, we are going to be able to solve issues more quickly and easily. We have to ensure that we avoid seeking complaining and pity, as these two things will make it quite impossible or difficult to maintain our mental strength as well.

“C”: Control our upsetting thoughts.

When we let ourselves think of distributing some things too much, it will just allow all that negativity to hold us back. To prevent this, we need to formulate a mantra and consistently repeat it during challenging moments. So, this is also going to help us tune in to positive things and also tune out the negative ones.

Building mental strength looks a lot like building physical muscle. We first have to become strong so that we can utilize that strength later in life. On the other hand, when we don’t become strong first, the strength is not going to be there when we have to utilize it. It is simply like exercising regularly so we can build our physical muscle, which means that we have to exercise mentally on a regular basis too, so that we can build our mental strength, or even learn to bring in positivity and get rid of negativity.

Extra tips:

Acceptance: We should not complain about those things that are not under our control;

Control: We should not give our powers to other people.

Emotional stability: We should stay objective despite everything.

Perspective: We have to learn to see things from the right perspective.

Preparation for taking on challenges: We have to be sure that we are prepared to accept challenges. We should also have the needed resources in order to withstand crises, which we will probably face sometimes.

Focus: We must maintain our attention on long-term results.

Self-validation: We must attempt to validate ourselves.

Patience: Everything too good requires us to be patient, hard-working, and endure;

Contentment: We should stop our jealousy toward the family, partner, or house and car of other people. Instead, we should be thankful for the things we have.

Tenacity: And finally, we should never give up.

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