Home Spirituality What Flowers Go Best With The Zodiac Signs? Which One’s Yours?

What Flowers Go Best With The Zodiac Signs? Which One’s Yours?

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Each of the signs of the Zodiac is ruling its specific set of characteristics, such as colors, body parts, gemstones, and this will also be true for flowers and plants.

We can all appreciate nature’s beauty, but as every sign of the Zodiac represents a specific style or energy, several signs are going to be attracted by different fauna and flora.

Below, you can see the corresponding flowers to each of the Zodiac signs:


The corresponding flowers or plants of the people in the sign of Aries are a tulip, bryony, honeysuckle, thistle, peppermint, geranium, impatiens, tiger lily, hops, onions, trees that bear thorns or shrubs, hollyhock, and some firs.


The corresponding flowers or plants of the people in the sign of Taurus are poppy, rose, foxglove, primula, daisy, violet, mallow, sundew, columbine, berries, ash, vine, crab apple, cypress, apple, pear, citrus, fig, and palms.


The corresponding flowers or plants of the people in the sign of Gemini are lily, lavender, myrtle, maidenhair fern, orchid, lilac, chrysanthemum, fern, and trees that bear nuts, hazel, and azalea.


The corresponding flowers or plants of the people in the sign of Cancer are bear’s breeches, geranium, morning glory, water lily, lily, cabbage, verbena, lotus, cow parsley, Southern magnolia, and white flowers.


The corresponding flowers or plants of the people in the sign of Leo are a sunflower, celandine, vines, aster, marigold, passion flower, rosemary, larkspur, heliotrope, dahlia, palm, walnut, bay, olive, laurel, and citrus trees.


The corresponding flowers or plants of the people in the sign of Virgo are narcissus, aster, chrysanthemum, all small flowers which are brightly colored, especially yellow or blue, trees that bear nuts, and cherry.


The corresponding flowers or plants of the people in the sign of Libra are large roses, hydrangea, aster, blue flowers, daisy, mint, berries, plum, poplar, Taurean flowers and trees, and ash.


The corresponding flowers or plants of the people in the sign of Scorpio are geranium, rhododendron, holly, scarlet monkey flower, black-eyed Susan, anemone, gardenia, heather, honeysuckle, Arian flowers, cactus, blackthorn, yew, and bushy trees.


The corresponding flowers or plants of the people in the sign of Sagittarius are carnations and pinks, dandelion, peony, thistle, sage, lime, mulberry, ash, clematis, blackberry, moss, rush, birch, oak, and chestnut.


The corresponding flowers or plants of the people in the sign of Capricorn are ivy, love-lies-bleeding, heartsease, pansy, hemp, baby’s breath, Scotch broom, magnolia, elm, willow, poplar, knapweed, trillium, camellia, pine, yew, aspen, and hemlock.


The corresponding flowers or plants of the people in the sign of Aquarius are calla lily, Solomon’s seal, orchid, goldenrod, bird of paradise, trillium, fruit trees, olive, golden rain, jack-in-the-pulpit, gladiolus, kiwi, elderberry, and alder.


The corresponding flowers or plants of the people in the sign of Pisces are moss, water lily, poppy, yarrow, wisteria, orchid, fig, rhubarb, clematis, lilac, willow, and trees which grow near water.

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