Home Spirituality Mercury Goes Retrograde July 7th: These 2 Rituals Can Help You Cope With The Chaotic Energies

Mercury Goes Retrograde July 7th: These 2 Rituals Can Help You Cope With The Chaotic Energies

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

As the year whizzes past us, we get closer to the Mercury Retrograde of Summer 2019. The retrograde commences on the 7th July in the fire-sign Leo and ends on 31st July in the water-sign Cancer.

It is during this period that a lot of things in our lives can possibly go haywire. The planet of Mercury is the ruler of all communication, information sharing, thoughts, travel plans, and technology. So this is the time one must be careful about these things.

Practice caution with sensitive messages, learn to deal with any travel contingencies with a calm head, don’t take off that phone cover, and try not to make significant life decisions now.

All of this is bound to make July seem a little daunting, but we’re here to help. If you can keep an open mind and want to protect the positive energy around you, try either or both of these rituals:

1. Shielding Travel Charm Method

The month of July has the most number of planned holidays, so it’s pretty likely that you might want to travel or have made plans already. So while it is unlikely that you’ll avoid problems entirely, a travel charm might smooth things out for your during your travels.

Required Things:

  • Pouch – 1 small
  • Spell Candles (Orange Chime)–2 small
  • Quartz Crystal (Clear)
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Dried Mint


Cleanse the space you intend to use for the ritual and place the two candles where you want to start the ritual. Then light each candle and hold the crystal using both your hands.

While the candles are burning in front, shut your eyes and visualize the best travel experience with positive inclinations. Now imagine this energy and visualization being transferred to the quartz.

After the visualization, take the pen and paper to draw out a symbol representing protection. Draw a pentagram if nothing comes to mind. You can also write a positive affirmation as well, then fold the sheet into 3 and place the folded sheet into the pouch.

You can sprinkle some dried mint and also place the charged clear quartz with it. Let the candles burn out completely. Now just chill and think positive things in order to strengthen your manifestations.

2. Mercury Rx Reputation Method

As you already know, July is bound to cause miscommunication. So if you intend to preserve your self-image, practice this ritual.

Required Things:

  • Fire-Proof Bowl or Small Cauldron
  • Charcoal
  • Pen
  • Paper Strips
  • Salt


Cleanse the space you intend to use for the ritual and light up a fire in the fire-proof container or cauldron. You can use the charcoal for this or if needed, use a small tea-light. Sprinkle in some salt into the fire while you say this:

“I appeal to the universe forces below and above, without and within, to support me and aid me in this very day.”

Draw in deep breaths while letting the warmth of the burning fire energize you. Look at the flame and say:

“While this fire is burning / let the tide turn / swipe the old / make new unfold / the earth beneath / my will is this, make it happen for me.”

Upon completion of the chants, write things which concern you relating to the self-image you have. Just write down any negative thoughts onto paper and set them on fire. Allow the paper to completely burn down in whichever vessel you are using.

“Old is dead, new has arrived, my will has arrived.”

Sprinkle salt onto the flames and paper ashes before closing the ritual.

We wish all the very best for this exciting new retrograde and hope you get to do all that you want successfully.

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