Home Consciousness Mercury Transit Libra, Sept 14th – Oct 3rd: Communication & Diplomacy

Mercury Transit Libra, Sept 14th – Oct 3rd: Communication & Diplomacy

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Libra, being an air sign, is always focused on good and effective communication. What better way to do that than to put in the ruler of communication, Mercury in it? I

n fact, Mercury finds itself perfectly at ease in Libra because the communication that it brings forth enmeshes itself perfectly with the idea of harmony that Libra is all about.

Libra’s tendency to build peace bridges rather than conflict is mirrored effectively by Mercury. We will be witnessing their union from the 14th of September to the 3rd of October, 2019

With Mercury in Libra, we are signaling for voices to be at a lower decibel, which would allow all voices to be heard. This period would be harmonious for people would actually listen to what is being said, without interrupting them, or believing what you have to say is more important. This will actually help us heal and dispel confusions that come up as a result of arguments.

When Mercury Transits In Libra

Mercury in Libra has a very splendid connection for it helps better relationships. Not just one’s relationship on the basis of romance, but familial relationships and friendships too.

In fact, use this period to deal with any problems that might have come up as a result of words being spoken out of place. Now is your time to get rid of any and all grudges.

When Libra comes to the foray, it brings in diplomacy with it. Instead of being subjective and biased towards a particular point of view, Libra would go and try to form an unbiased judgment in mind.

This could be considered as the Universe’s way of telling you to understand the different points of view people might have and the different perspectives they bring.

But it might also make you a pushover at times if you don’t stand for what you believe in. You need not always agree with people even if you don’t like their stance.

While it may lead to some animosity between who you consider as a friend, you might be better off without them. Or, just oppose them with a justifiable opinion.

The Mercury Retrograde

Well, the Retrograde of Mercury always leads to problems as we very well know. This time around, it will create complications in our love life.

This is because it will cause old drama to come up yet again without any recourse to a solution. If you thought drama was lacking in your life, here you go!

Miscommunication will obviously be a big problem this Retrograde for you wouldn’t be able to understand what others are telling you. What seemed like a seamless conversation before would turn into a veritable minefield.

You need to hold on to your patience and deal with the ensuing trouble, knowing that it’s just the Retrograde playing tricks.

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