Home Consciousness Tonight’s Aries New Moon Is All About Focusing On Your Goals

Tonight’s Aries New Moon Is All About Focusing On Your Goals

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The Pisces new moon of the previous month was a dreamy one. It filled us to the brim with positive energy.

Moreover, it also inspired us to dream and follow wherever our minds wanted to go. On 11th April, the Aries new moon will take place.

This new moon is going to help us to carry forward the energy to hope from the last month. Furthermore, it will also help us make use of it to do something impactful and effective in our lives.

The Meaning Of The April New Moon

Madi Murphy, The Cosmic Revolution’s founder, and an astrologer has some interesting insights to offer. She says that now is the time for a fresh chapter to begin. The sign is when the moon and the sun unite under Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Moreover, Aries is also the first fire sign.

She continues that Aries has everything to do with action, authenticity, and independence. It is the time when the Universe wants you to flip the page. This is the time to pen down your own story. You can do so by accepting a part of yourself. Even starting on a brand new project is one way.

Her description of the lunation has words like courage, boldness, and bravery. Furthermore, words like mega-inspiration, initiative, and enthusiasm are also fitting. Moreover, Aries being the first in the zodiac cycle, the current lunation also has some vibes of a New Year.

The question is, thus, how you envision your spring and summer season. As such, decide on your goals and use the April new moon to begin anew and afresh.

The Positive Side Of The April New Moon

However, be ready to invest every bit of this energy into whatever goal you set for yourself.

Your goal-achieving energy will receive a huge boost, almost four times that of normal. You can also think of it as drinking a very large cup of caffeine.

Moreover, Mars currently sits in Gemini. Gemini is known for its adaptability. Just thinking about it can get you super excited.

Moreover, the excitement can also lead us to think of new ways to chase our goals. As such, there is no more fitting time to strive for your exact target than now.

A Time To Be Careful As Well

However, there is a dark side to the location of Mars. It is that there is an increase in our nervousness and impulsiveness. As such, when we sit down to decide on which goals to chase, we should also narrow our focus.

Trying to do everything at once will do more harm than good. She says that it is impossible to achieve all of our hopes and ambitions at the same time. So sticking to a few big ones is important. It can be anything, one specific task at work or decorating the bedroom. The important thing is taking it on one at a time to properly succeed.

Furthermore, the current energy also increases our competitiveness. As such, the suggestion is to work alone to stay away from conflict.

As for love, it is a time to be cautious. Venus is falling when it is in Aries. Moreover, the destructive influence of Pluto is also quite a bit stronger. As such, the combination can see us getting obsessive and intense in our relationships. So, she says, that is important to be careful around topics related to love and infatuation.

In Conclusion

Be that as it may, the transit can make the relationship better, according to Leslie Hale, a psychic astrologer at Keen.com. Transits caused by Pluto usually break things to form stronger bonds.

As such, it is normal to feel like too much is happening at the same time during the lunation. Then, take a breath, focus, and start working. Remember, the power to make your dreams true is in your hands.             

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