Home Consciousness The Constructive New Moon in Virgo, September 2023, Will Bless Us With Great Productive Energies

The Constructive New Moon in Virgo, September 2023, Will Bless Us With Great Productive Energies

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The new Moon in Virgo adds details to our plans and reminds us that anything worthwhile is worth doing well.

New Moons provide us with the opportunity to give shape to our vision. Virgo teaches us to roll up our sleeves and do the hard work required to create the reality we desire. On September 14/15, 2023, it will be time to put our dreams into action with our own two hands.

What Virgo Teaches Us

The energy of Virgo assists us in accepting our authentic selves with compassion, forgiveness, and strength. It makes no difference whether you have Virgo as your dominant sign or not. The Virgo season allows us to be ourselves and recognize our inherent self-worth. As we step into our potential, it is time to let go of self-doubt, perfectionism, and self-criticism. It demonstrates who we could be if we allowed ourselves to fully embrace our power.

The Virgo season is also a time to strike a balance between who we want to be and who we are right now. Virgo reminds us that if we are constantly comparing ourselves to our ideal version, we will never be happy. On the other hand, if we stop growing and striving to be a better version of ourselves, we will become stagnant and unhappy. We must strike a balance between accepting ourselves as we are and aspiring to be the next version of ourselves. The question then becomes, “How can you love and accept yourself today while striving to become your future self?”

The first step toward accepting yourself is to let go of the conditions you must meet in order to be loved. We frequently hold ourselves to an impossible standard, and when we fail to meet it, we succumb to feelings of shame, embarrassment, self-doubt, and should-ing ourselves. We have a tendency to hide our mistakes and dwell on them, forgetting that others care about us and want to help us. We believe that we are the only ones experiencing difficulties and that everyone else has their lives much better organized than we do. We also compare ourselves to others without knowing them or comprehending their difficulties. We tell ourselves that in order to be loved by others or to love ourselves, we must meet certain criteria. We may even judge our worth based on what we do rather than who we are.

It’s a good time to become aware of the conditions we put on ourselves for love and acceptance as we work with Virgo. What impossible standard of perfection do you hold yourself to, and why? Begin to teach yourself that you are deserving of love, acceptance, and the fulfillment of your dreams. You don’t have to be perfect to be worthy of love. You don’t have to do anything other than be yourself right now.

What the New Moon in Virgo Means for You

It can take a long time to let go of the things that make you feel unworthy. Allow this new Moon in Virgo in September 2023 to assist you in accepting your worth and cultivating a life filled with everything you deserve. You deserve to be loved, to be happy, and to have people accept you for who you are. These are not things for which you must jump through hoops. Rather, they are your human birthright.

It all starts with a deep acceptance and appreciation for yourself, regardless of any experiences that have caused you to feel pain, shame, or unworthiness. What do you need to heal in order to start feeling your worth and knowing you are good enough? That is the essence of Virgo’s energy.

The New Moon is a good time to write yourself love letters about all of the gifts you have to offer the world. It’s time to be gentle with yourself. It’s time to establish boundaries with yourself and others. You must be willing to say yes to what matters and no (without guilt) to what feeds your insecurity or sense of scarcity. Some boundaries will be set with yourself, such as your thoughts and habits. Others will be with friends, coworkers, or other partners. This season, align with the Earth element to feel where you need boundaries, then know you are worthy of upholding them.

Through our intentions, Virgo inspires us to make long-term commitments. This is a night to see far into the future and feel it all the way through your body. How do you envision your life in five or ten years? What can you do today to assist you in getting there?

Feel into the power of your practices and rituals as you write your intentions for this new Moon. The small things you do with intention every day become rituals in your life. It is possible to develop a morning ritual. Making a cup of tea can become a ritual. Journaling can become a routine. These rituals lay the groundwork for your intentions to materialize. They keep the fire of your dreams burning long after the new Moon has passed, and even in the most distracting circumstances.

Rituals also assist us in defining the passage of time. Virgo reminds us that time is limited and that we must value it as a valuable resource. Feel into what rituals can help you gradually build your visions during this new Moon. Virgo reminds us that we are not in a hurry to get somewhere. Our dreams are as fulfilling to pursue as they are to realize. What matters is that we lay a solid foundation that will not crumble in the face of adversity.

Include rituals of healing as you create and commit to rituals that will help you work toward your visions. Virgo is one of the zodiac’s great healers. She reminds us that our wounds can sabotage us in unexpected ways. We must heal the cracks in our soul if we truly want a strong foundation. Unprocessed grief or trauma from the past causes energetic noise in our system. It diverts our attention, throws us off track, and takes us out of the present moment. Our wounds can summon situations that mirror our past and cause havoc in our lives.

Virgo is also an organizational sign. She reminds us that in order to achieve our loftiest goals, we must declutter our minds and hearts. Feel for any energies that are pulling you back as you set your intentions for the New Moon. Is there anything that makes you doubt yourself, tells you that you are unworthy, or prevents you from believing that you are capable of manifesting your dreams? These feelings may be subtle, but pay attention if they arise. Address the source of the problem, and while you may not be able to heal what is holding you back in one night, you can create rituals to help you process it over time.

Healing rituals can take the form of daily journaling. They can be mantras that you create to say when you have doubts about yourself. They can be a strategy for dealing with a specific thought or feeling, such as a breathing exercise, a series of questions to ask yourself, or a phone call to a loved one who can provide a different perspective. Include rituals that build your intentions and ones that heal the parts of you that subconsciously tear down your intentions as you create rituals for yourself this new Moon. Much of the work of manifestation involves removing the obstacles that prevent you from receiving what is already yours.

Ask yourself some difficult questions to get to the bottom of any issues you may have with self-worth or perfectionism. Now is the time to comprehend the origins of these energies and communicate with the part of yourself that is associated with them. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and spend a few moments with each question. Allow the answer to come to you naturally, while remaining open to the person you are becoming. You are allowing your intuition to enter.

Other Astrological Influences on the New Moon

Other astrological events are taking place on this new Moon.

Mercury, the planet that rules Virgo, is in retrograde. When a planet moves backward, it spins the energy inward. Mercury rules communication, so this new Moon is an excellent time to go inward and start a necessary conversation with yourself.

A grand Earth trine between the Sun and Moon in Virgo, Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn helps to ground your energy on this new Moon. The abundance of Earth energy on this day serves as a container for your energy, assisting in the relaxation of your nervous system and the clarity of your mind.

Your Invitation

During this season, work with the Virgo organizational energy to create a schedule or routine of healing and growth. This could be as simple as taking a class or reading a new book. It could be setting aside time each morning to meditate or journal. It could be weekly acupuncture, yoga classes, or another healing modality that works for you. The key is to give yourself permission and time to evolve while remaining aware that you are still deserving of everything you want right now. Work on yourself because you can and because it’s fun to grow, not because you have to be good enough. You are already adequate.

If you don’t feel ready to write down your intentions, wait a day or two until they become clear to you. Spend your time instead in meditation, breathwork, or other modalities that help you clear your mind and center your energy. Write your intentions once you feel connected to your entire being. When you write your intentions from a clear place, there is no room for misinterpretation. If your intentions are not clear, direct, and detailed, the Universe may not hear them correctly. You can never manifest negative energy, but you can send mixed messages to the Universe about what you truly want.

The Earth is the foundation upon which we build everything else. Allow this energy to instruct you on your foundation. What will assist you in realizing your dreams? Consider routines, rituals, or practices in your life that can serve as a reflection of the stable Earth. Consider what practices can provide you with nourishment and inspiration.

Feel what practices can help you stay grounded when life throws you curveballs. What draws you back to the center time and time again? Lean into the Earth element to feel what grounds you and connects you to your strength, resilience, and power. Walk in nature, hold a Moon circle, or meditate with a few plants to connect deeply with the Earth. Consider what they are thankful for that night and every night. You can even practice being grateful for things that haven’t yet happened to you.

Feel the Earth element’s support as it holds you and connects you to your body. Feel it also bringing clarity to your intentions. Spend some time with yourself, your heart, and your soul. Learn more about yourself and allow your life to unfold another layer with each new Moon.

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