Home Consciousness Unveiling the Spiritual Significance of Your Wardrobe Choices

Unveiling the Spiritual Significance of Your Wardrobe Choices

by consciousreminder
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by Ainsley Lawrence,
Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

Image Source: Unsplash

Spiritual leaders have used clothes to express their inner thoughts and teachings for millennia.

Hindu Brahman wears upavīta to signify their initiation into Hinduism, Shintō priests don hakama to show their rank, and monks wear orange robes to symbolize the ideologies of Vedas and Lotus.

Your own personal wardrobe also has spiritual significance. This is why some people believe wearing pre-owned clothes can damage your energy and cause you to encounter the same issues that plagued the previous wearer.

Wearing a set of freshly laundered or new clothes makes you feel good, too. This can improve your self-image and put you on a path of spiritual growth and personal success.

Spiritual Clothing

Wearing the right fabrics and textiles can bring out your best features and help you feel at peace in the world. Few pleasures can top a well-fitted shirt or a new scarf that compliments your hair color. However, clothing is about far more than outward appearance. That’s why some folks believe that your wardrobe has a spiritual effect that resonates throughout your life. Proponents point out key features like:

  • Type of Material: Silks and cotton are said to soak up “divine frequencies” and help you feel at peace in the world.
  • Stitching: Some folks believe that cutting cloth attracts negative vibrations. That’s why many women favor sāṛī and assemble their wardrobes from handmade clothing.
  • Color and Design: The color of your clothes evokes certain feelings. That’s why yellow, green, and blue fabrics are so popular. Conversely, black and gray may attract distressing vibrations that interfere with your spiritual growth.
  • Condition of Clothes: Poorly maintained, unwashed clothes are bad for your hygiene and may impede your personal spiritual journey. Avoid torn clothes, too, as these are commonly associated with bad energy.

Finding the right clothes can help you tune in with the energy of your body. Even simple choices, like wearing your favorite hoody on a cool fall day, can brighten your mood and reaffirm your commitment to a spiritual path. Psychologists even suggest that colors like red can help with detail-oriented tasks while cheap fabrics may feel itchy and hot thus detracting from your spiritual growth.

Switching up your wardrobe can help you make a symbolic change in your life, too. This is particularly helpful if you’ve put off your spiritual development for some time and want to make a fresh start. A revised wardrobe can remind you of your commitment to leading a healthier, happier life and bring out the best version of yourself. Over time, this can boost your self-esteem and help you reinvent your personality.


Self-esteem and spirituality go hand-in-hand. You can’t expect to uncover deeply significant spiritual insights when you are caught in a negative loop of self-criticism and low confidence. Instead, take a proactive approach to boosting your self-esteem by reassessing your current wardrobe.

Begin the process of boosting your self-esteem by finding fashion icons and styles that you wish to emulate. Ideally, you’ll choose from folks who represent a spiritual journey and are aspirational to you. Once you’ve picked out a few must-have pieces, go through your current wardrobe and remove any items that no longer meet your needs.

Freshening up your wardrobe and boosting your self-image can lead to professional success, too. A positive self-image makes you more confident and, in turn, improves your performance at work. This can be spiritually significant if you want to increase your quality of life and pursue new professional opportunities. Dressing for success helps you feel at one with the world and empowers you to take on new professional opportunities.

Be prepared for pushback when you freshen up your wardrobe. Most folks will be supportive of your decision to improve your self-esteem by purchasing new clothes, but some will try to tease you if you’ve made a dramatic shift in the way you dress. Ignore the naysayers, as they are on a journey of their own and are ill-equipped to help you improve your own spirituality.

Clothes That Last

Replacing your wardrobe may help you make a spiritual change in your life, but doing too often has a damaging impact on the planet. We already produce 92 million tonnes of textile waste every year and 87% of clothing waste ends up in landfill.

Protect the environment and preserve the integrity of your spiritual journey by investing in clothes that last. This will protect your wallet, too, as clothing investments like high-quality jeans and jackets don’t need to be replaced every year even if you wear them most days.

Investing in clothes that last is particularly important if you work in a field that requires rigorous labor. Durable workwear that brings you spiritual peace can sustain you during the toughest of days and will minimize the amount of waste you produce.


Your clothes are a reflection of your spiritual journey and can be a useful tool in your path toward leading a healthier, happier life. Try to build a wardrobe around clothing that makes you feel good and compliments your overall spiritual goals. This may mean you have to experiment with different colors, textures, and tones. Once you find a style that suits you, opt for high-quality, durable goods to reduce your waste and protect your spiritual journey.

About the Author: Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer with an interest in balanced living through education and technology. She loves travelling to beautiful places and is frequently lost in a good book.

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