Home Consciousness Lion’s Gate Portal: Get Ready for a Massive Energy Influx

Lion’s Gate Portal: Get Ready for a Massive Energy Influx

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

8.8.2024 is going to be one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful Lion’s Gate Portals we’ve ever felt or seen.

A true 888 energy frequency!

August 8 holds great significance in the realm of astrology.

This day, at the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal, holds great significance for manifestation and often serves as a fresh start for setting resolutions and goals.

Here, we provide comprehensive guidance on understanding and manifesting your dreams into reality.

Lion’s Gate Portal Date

The Lion’s Gate Portal is active for a duration of two weeks, commencing in late July and concluding in mid-August. The pinnacle of the Lion’s Gate Portal occurs on August 8 (8/8). Many individuals commonly recognize this date as the Lion’s Gate Portal; it is also referred to by some as the galactic new year.

The Significance Lion’s Gate Portal

The Lion’s Gate Portal occurs when the Sun in Leo aligns with the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt, and Earth. This occurs when Sirius “rises” or becomes visible again as a result of the Sun’s annual passage by the star.

What makes this so important? Sirius, the Alpha star of the Canis Major constellation, is the brightest star in the sky and holds great significance in astrology as a spiritual sun. The Ancient Egyptians held a deep reverence for this celestial entity, whom they regarded as the goddess Sopdet. They used this celestial body’s yearly ascension to track the beginning of the Nile’s annual inundation, nourishing the land and ensuring bountiful harvests and fertility.

Sirius is associated with bringing wealth, abundance, fortune, and fame in astrology. Given our alignment with this auspicious body, now is an opportune moment for manifestation. The duration of the Lion’s Gate Portal period holds great spiritual significance. However, due to a variety of factors, the Lion’s Gate Portal reaches its peak on August 8. The significance of 8/8 in numerology is widely recognized for its immense power, making it the most potent combination of all. Furthermore, this date places the Sun at the midpoint of Leo, a season renowned for its boldness and confidence. Undoubtedly, the Sun governs the sign Leo. At this very moment, all aspects are perfectly aligned, both physically and spiritually.

In addition to the vernal equinox, the Lion’s Gate Portal’s 8/8 holds great significance as a potent moment for manifestation in the calendar. The ancient Egyptians saw the Lion’s Gate Portal as a harbinger of abundance and new beginnings. View it as an opportunity to liberate ourselves from any patterns that might be hindering our personal growth.

Lion’s Gate Portal: Manifestation

There are many ways to express manifestation, and the following is a frequently used guide for actively manifesting through the Lion’s Gate Portal.

Focus your attention on harmonizing with the positive energy within you, and expand your awareness to embrace the celestial bodies—the Moon, stars, and planets.

One effective way to enhance the power of your manifestations is by vocalizing them, either out loud or silently within. Alternatively, you can write them down on paper, focusing your full attention on the words and the specific outcomes you want to achieve.

Keep writing or speaking your manifestations consistently until you have complete faith in their manifestation in the physical realm.

Let go of all expectations and approach your day with the conviction that the manifestation will become your reality.

During this period, use yellow crystals like citrine and amber, along with botanicals and herbs, as powerful tools for manifestation in your rituals. Citrine is known for its ability to attract wealth, abundance, and positive luck.

During this auspicious period, it is highly recommended that we engage in meditation to fully tap into the energy of the celestial portal and align ourselves with its unique frequency. Engaging in meditation while basking in the sun can enhance our connection with our creative side, as Leo is renowned for its artistic abilities.

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