Home Consciousness The Biggest DOS & DON’TS to Fully Channel the Fiery Energy of August’s Emotional New Moon in Leo

The Biggest DOS & DON’TS to Fully Channel the Fiery Energy of August’s Emotional New Moon in Leo

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Prepare for the upcoming Mercury retrograde with some astrological insights.

Welcome to the heart of Leo season! During the sun’s journey through the cosmic lion’s den, a new moon on August 4 will present an exciting chance for all zodiac signs to explore their creativity. However, it’s important to be aware of the upcoming Mercury retrograde and its potential for cosmic confusion. With numerous planetary movements this month, it is crucial to be well-informed about the dos and don’ts of August’s new moon. This celestial event presents a unique opportunity that you wouldn’t want to miss before encountering any potential challenges.

Leo exudes a vibrant and energetic aura, represented by the regal lion, inspiring you to embrace your inner strength and reign over your own domain with unwavering self-assurance. The dynamic influence of Mars and the positive energy of Jupiter enhance this lunation, providing a powerful boost to your new moon goals. You can expect a surge of motivation, luck, and a touch of enchantment to accompany your endeavors. Now is an ideal moment to tap into your creative energy and pursue your goals with enthusiasm.

In addition, the new moon in August coincides with some significant astrological shifts that are just hours away. Venus will soon depart from Leo and transition into the practical realm of Virgo, while Mercury, the planet of communication, will begin its retrograde motion shortly after midnight Eastern time on the same night. This indicates that the new moon is particularly favorable for manifestation, as it presents the final opportunity for embarking on new endeavors before the potential confusion of Mercury retrograde sets in a few hours later.

To maximize the potential of this fortunate lunation, here are some recommendations on actions to take and pitfalls to avoid during the new moon in August 2024.

The biggest DOS during August’s New Moon in Leo:

DO: Embrace Your Self-Worth and Hold Your Head High

Being confident does not mean being arrogant; rather, it is time to embrace the fact that you are worthy of praise and to pursue your dreams without fear of ridicule, as the Leo new moon illuminates the sky. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished and encourage others to do the same. This not only boosts your confidence for future achievements, but it also encourages others to view their own successes in a more positive light, which in turn increases their chances of success.

DO: Pursue Your Passions 100%

With the sun and moon conjunct in Leo, the sign of confidence, enthusiasm, and creativity, this lunation is a crucial time to boldly and passionately pursue your heart’s desires. Tell me about some possibilities or ideas that would make you feel giddy with excitement. Tell me when you’re feeling most assured and secure. Is there anything or anyone in particular who has the power to spark your imagination? If your heart leads you to your true calling, now is the moment to follow it.

DO: Allow Your Imagination to Blossom

It’s one of the finest times of summer to launch new passion projects, hobbies, or other kinds of creative self-expression, and you’re free to plant seeds for new endeavors under this lunation. But because Mercury is retrograde right now, you might discover that getting things started takes longer than usual. Use your creative ideas now, but be patient and let them simmer. Although Mercury retrogrades are inconvenient, they also present an opportunity to reevaluate and improve your plans.

The biggest DON’TS during August’s New Moon in Leo:

DON’T: Be Shallow

The sun’s largest flex is that it shines brighter than anything else in the solar system; Leo is the sign ruled by the sun. For the new moon in August, when the two stars are conjunct in this fiery sign, it’s time to let your inner Leonine shine.

Jupiter, the expansive and prosperous planet, is harmonizing with the new moon, so don’t be shy about drawing attention to yourself or doubting your worthiness in space. Think big or go home; settling for less than your full potential or putting other people’s comfort before your own will get you nowhere.

DON’T: Make Things Difficult

Keep in mind that Mercury goes retrograde later that night, even though the Leo new moon could be a magical time for manifestation. This transit is likely to cause some confusion, postponement, or jumbling of dates and schedules.

Despite the fact that this lunation gives you the green light to launch new projects, it’s wise to keep your plans loose and not try to launch anything too complex just yet. Keeping your intentions alive until the end of the backspin will require simplicity and flexibility, as Mercury retrograde is swooping in so quickly.

DON’T: Lose Focus on Your Summer Objectives

When the new moon rises in August, near the midpoint of summer, it’s a great time to get in touch with your summer goals and tackle them with renewed vigor and confidence. Apart from setting new objectives for the upcoming season, you might want to leverage the upcoming retrograde energy to revisit neglected tasks, as this lunation could provide a fresh and creative perspective on your existing plans.

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