“The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner state.” – James Allen
Unless we understand our inner state, we cannot change our outer conditions.
But how do we change our inner state? Let me tell you…
By understanding the different states of consciousness and how to access them, we can learn how to change our inner state.
When we do, our life will radically change as a byproduct of our inner transformation.
Learning how to access deeper states of consciousness allows you to open your reality to the world of your subconscious mind.
These are the different states of consciousness our brains can produce. Our brains can only be at one state at a time.
Beta: This is our normal waking consciousness. When we are in this state, we are awake and alerted.
We are fully conscious of everything around us but are aware of only one thing at a time. This is the state where we use most of logic and reasoning.
- Brainwave cycles 15-30 Hz (cycles per second)
- Too much Beta state increases stress, anxiety, busy thinking, and over-thinking from our inner critic
Alpha: This is the dreamy and light relaxation state.
When you have a really good conversation, immersed in your favorite book or movie, or even driving a car, you feel relaxed and lose track of time.
- Brainwave cycles 9-14Hz (cycles per second)
- Absorb information quickly, heightens memory, visualization, learning, relaxation, and concentration
Theta: You are at deep relaxation and at the moment right before you enter sleep, in a drowsy like state.
This is the realm of the subconscious mind. When you are dreaming, you are likely in the Theta state. This is also the usual hypnosis state and the primary meditation state.
- Brainwave cycles 4-8Hz (cycles per second)
- Heighten inspiration, clear visualization, creativity, intuition, “gut” feeling enhanced, boost immune system, paranormal experiences
Delta: This is deep sleep, dreamless and completely unconscious territory. This is also the state of transcendental meditation and the state of oneness.
- Brainwave cycles 1-3Hz (cycles per second)
- Self-healing and physical body regeneration, advanced Meditation, access to the Universal Mind (collective unconscious or higher dimension)
Gamma: Higher level of thinking and problem solving. This is associated with peak concentration, the “in the Zone” feeling.
- Brainwave cycles 30-100Hz (cycles per second)
- Excellent memory, self-control, high concentration, heightened sensory perception, sensitivity, speed, peace, and focus
Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta consciousness
The breath is used to enter the different states of consciousness.
By changing the way we breathe, we change the frequencies of our brain wave into deeper or higher states of consciousness.
The esoteric study of breath is not just about receiving air, it is about understanding life.
When the breath is calm, we are calm. When the breath is fast, we are anxious.
When we change our breathing, we are also changing our consciousness and, thus, our reality.
How to Access States of Consciousness
- Beta: Become extremely aware of your 5 senses.
Pay close attention to your smell, taste, hearing, touch, and what you see.
You will know you are in the beta state when you are focused on the external environment rather than your awareness of your body and sensation.
- Alpha: Pay attention to your heart beat.
Take a deep breath, hold as long as comfortable, and release. Do this 3x.
You will notice you are becoming more relaxed.
- Theta: Do meditation or use creative visualization.
For creative visualization, close your eyes and hold a relaxing visualization for a few minutes while breathing in and out slowly. Hold it steady. You’ll need to practice it a few times.
- Delta: You can either go to sleep or consciously enter the delta state.
To access the delta state consciously, you would need to practice your meditation into a transcendental state.
- Gamma: Since this is a newly discovered brain wave, little is known how to access this state of consciousness.
However, neuroscientists believed that people can train themselves to have more gamma waves through practicing love and compassion.
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