Home Consciousness Waiting For ‘The One’ Will Make You A Stronger Person

Waiting For ‘The One’ Will Make You A Stronger Person

by consciousreminder
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The rightful place of a human is considered to be with another person who loves and cares for him. Thus, there is a clear and obvious pressure on every person who is self sufficient and career oriented above the golden age of 25.

People haunt you and tell you about the benefits of getting settled down. Elderly people consider it their holy job to push you into settling a family.

People around you are worried thinking that you are the one who refuses to accept their age old knowledge or you are simply a very stubborn person who is very difficult to get along with.

But they fail to understand that you are rather looking for that someone who is able to understand you completely. They fail to understand that it is your choice to be single.

Studies have shown that single people are more likely to be calm and productive. I think that being single is absolutely fine and it is an expression of Right To Freedom.

Let’s look at some of the things that being single brings in your life.

1. Ability To Recognize People.

Being single allows you to observe things with an open mind. Thus you can be more objective and clear in your approach.

2. Being Content With Your Own Self.

You can truly admire the peace that comes when you spend time with yourself. You learn to tackle the most difficult of the problems on your own.

3. Being Independent.

Being single brings a lot of responsibility but along with it brings thousands of the life lessons that teach you to be independent.

I see it as an opportunity to learn as being single brings a lot of responsibility. It is commendable and highly respectable.

The society always finds a way to comment on your being and thus you need to be sure from within and must not care what others think of you.

Live the life to the fullest. Live life the way you want it.

What do you think about being single? Share your views and ideas with us.

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